Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Eighty

''You have everything right?''

''Eden, I don't care, I just want to go home.'' I said from my wheelchair.

''Fine fine, let's go.'' Eden said, pushing me out into the hallway.

''Mandy!'' the boys cheered as I wheeled out into the hall.

I was being discharged this morning. While I got changed out of my hospital gown, the boys had to wait in the hall. They were just outside my door now, all as happy as I was to be leaving.

Georg was sitting in a wheelchair and Tom was pushing him very quickly down the hall. He skidded to a stop as I came out of my room, pushed by Eden.

''Hey who crippled you?'' I asked, looking at his wheel chair.

''No one else is using it.'' Georg said, rolling his eyes.

''Yea, now.'' Eden said, rolling her eyes.

''Let's just go Eden.'' I said and she started to push me down the hall.

Tom was pushing Georg right next to me, but slightly ahead. Eden noticed too and pushed me a little faster, getting that extra inch ahead of Georg.

Tom and Eden. You couldn't deny that they were a competitive couple and before I knew it, Georg and I were flying down the –luckily- empty hallway in a full-blown wheelchair race.

As we neared the elevator, and unsuspecting male nurse stepped out into the hallway on Georg's side.

''Tom look out!'' I yelled and Tom pulled Georg's wheelchair to a stop a foot from the nurse. His face was blank at first with the shock of almost being run over, but then it turned angry.

''What do you think you're doing?'' he asked, a strangely authoritative ring to his voice.

''We were, um, taking this wheel chair back.'' Georg answered, fishing for an excuse.

''Sure you were.'' The nurse said and then he looked at me.

''Don't even look over here, I got stabbed.'' I said and he nodded.

''If you would vacate the chair please.'' The nurse said to Georg and he stood up, looking rather like a little kid although the nurse couldn't have been much older than him.

Eden and I doubled over in silent giggles as the nurse walked away with Georg's wheelchair.

''Shut up.'' Georg muttered, folding his arms like a kid and Eden's giggles and mine grew into full-blown laughter.

When we finally made it down to the main floor, the sight of the front doors etched a permanent smile on my face. I was so excited to finally be leaving this retched building.

When we went through the doors, the fresh air hit me like a bus, and I loved every minute of it. In my opinion, I had been cramped up in that hospital way too long in my opinion.

A car pulled around just as a raindrop hit my nose.

''Oh no, it's going to rain!'' Bill said, sounding rather concerned.

''Aw, is your hair going to deflate?'' Eden asked in a mock motherly voice and Bill rolled his eyes.

''I love the rain!'' I said as Gustav helped me out of my chair. I let a few more drops fall on my face and smiled, I was so happy to be out of there.

''You're not exactly in the right condition to dance around in the rain Mandy.'' Eden reminded me and I sighed loudly, making everyone chuckle.

Bill put his hands on my waist and lifted me up into the van, a feat I wouldn't have been able to accomplish on my own. I got settled in and Bill slid in next to me, putting one arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him.

I can't emphasize enough how good it felt to be out of there, with the people I love, on my way home to be in my own space, to sleep in my own bed, to not have to sleep alone anymore.

I had been in the hospital for just about a week and that bed was starting to get lonely. Even though I wouldn't be fit to sleep with Bill for a while, being able to curl into his arms again would be good enough for me.

When we pulled up in front of my apartment building I was ecstatic. Although running and jumping to express said excitement was out of the question I still bounced a bit as Bill pulled the door to the van open. He helped me out and I stood back and looked at the tall building that was my home.

Eden hopped out behind me as Bill put his arm back around my shoulders.

''Welcome home Mandy.'' she said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! There's two things I wanted to let you in on. Firs of all, this will be my only post for today.
Second and slightly more important, I have every intention of ending this story in the next few chapters, so brace yourselves for a short but sweet sequel.

That's all I needed to say, so thanks to my readers, subscribers, and/or comment-ers! I appreciate you all sticking with me this long.