Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Nine

''I'd so do you.'' I said as Eden twirled in front of the mirror and she giggled.

''Thanks.'' she said, touching up her makeup again.

The party was in half an hour and I was ready annoyingly early again. I really needed to break that habit. I was wearing my black pleated skirt with a black tank top and knee-high boots. My hair and makeup were done, I was dressed and ready to leave, and now sitting in Eden's room as she fiddled with her hair and makeup.

''I need some juice.'' I decided out loud and then jumped off her bed and headed for the kitchen.

As I was about to open the fridge, there was a loud knock at the door that made me jump. I went to open the door and standing there was a half naked, panicked-looking Alex.

''Sorry to bug you, but do you have ice?'' he asked frantically.

''Yea, come on in.'' I said, walking to the freezer.

''Thanks so much, our freezer broke and everything melted.'' he said, sounding slightly out of breath.

''And then what you ran full speed to our apartment?'' I laughed.

''It was my first stop.'' he said with a smile.

We had a bag of ice in our fridge, god knows why, but I took it out and gave it to him.

''Thanks, you're a life saver.'' he said, taking the bag.

''Anytime.'' I laughed.

''See you soon.'' he said, racing for the door and then disappearing out of it.

I got a bottle of water and then went back into Eden's room to sit on her bed.

*~Seven O'clock~*

''Ready?'' I asked Eden before I knocked on the door.

''OH yeah!'' she said and I laughed and knocked.

''Hey!'' a shirtless Alex said as he opened the door.

''You guys look great.'' he said as we walked in.

''Yea, it's amazing what three more hours of sleep can do.'' I said playfully and he laughed.

''Oh, this is my roommate Trevor.'' Alex said as we walked up to a tall guy with blonde hair and, like Alex, no shirt on.

''Hey I'm Mandy and this is my roommate-''

''Eden.'' she interjected, finishing my sentence for me with a coy smile. We shook hands with Trevor and then Alex pointed us in the direction of the kitchen to get drinks.

''So?'' Eden asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

''So what?'' I asked, sipping my drink.

''I think I'll have Trevor, but Alex is all yours.'' she said, looking over my shoulder presumably at Trevor.

''Who says I want him?'' I asked, almost choking on my drink.

''You're body.'' Eden whispered seductively and I burst out laughing.

''You're full of it.'' I said when I could form coherent sentences again.

''Hey, I'm not the one who stands a suggestive inch too close.'' she said and I immediately tried to remember doing that.

''Hey ladies.'' Alex said, joining us in the kitchen. It sounded like more people had started to arrive and were congregating in the living room.

''Hey.'' I said and then wondered if I sounded too eager.

''So how may people are supposed to be here?'' Eden asked.

''Beats me, I only gave out the invites to this floor, Trevor did the rest.'' he said, shrugging.

The lights went down drastically in the living room and the volume of the music went up.

''So I think I owe you from earlier.'' Alex said, looking at me and Eden looked at me wide-eyed.

''Wanna dance?'' he asked, nodding towards the living room where I could see people already dancing.

''Sure.'' I answered, or rather my mouth answered for me.

Alex grinned and took my hand. As I waked in front of her Eden mumbled ''What did you do earlier!'' in my ear and I laughed. I wiggled my eyebrows and she gaped at me, making me laugh again.

We wove through the crowded living room to a less crowded spot near the couch and started to dance. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me against his bare torso, sending slight shivers down my spine. As we moved to the beat, I saw Eden across the room looking like she was chatting up Trevor. She gave me the thumbs up and I giggled.

Out of nowhere and completely blindsiding me, Alex suddenly twirled me around so that we were face to face. He grinned at my surprise. He glanced down to my lips then back up to my eyes, only then did I notice that I was staring at his too.

My body was on a whole other level than my mind as Alex and I leaned closer to each other. I knew exactly what was coming and even though I had only known this guy for a few hours at most, I had no intention of stopping it.

There was a rush of feelings as his lips pressed against mine and my fingers knotted themselves in his hair. He pushed gently on my lower back, pushing me against him. One of his hands ran down my back and settled on the back of my thigh, just under my skirt. Some part of me wanted him bad.

We fell back onto the couch and he moved from my lips to my neck sending another wave of shivers down my spine. I could see Eden out of the corner of my eye gaping at us, but I was too preoccupied to really notice.