Everything we had

Chap 11

Gosh we seemed to dance for hours Mason and Cort were all closely close in a booth and Trace and Laurissa had left to head back to her place hours ago, they were gonna meet us tomorrow for the Pike and Alki. Vicky and Ryan said they're good byes to everyone so they could head out to grab a bite to eat before he was gonna drop her off at the bus. Gabe left before us all to go probably hook up with all 3 of the needy willing to do anything blondes at his side all night.

William and I just danced, close together I liked the way he felt against me we just seemed to fit and move and sway all at the same time. Sneaking in little kisses here and there we decided since the place was almost empty we'd head back to the limo to take us to my car so we could head home.

As we all piled in to the limo we talked about the day and the night. Laughing about how we met when I fell on my ass and Mason and Cort getting into trouble in the star dome.

10 mins later we pulled up to the lot and I see my car.

" Hey we gotta go get some clothes out of our buses and we'll meet ya at the car okay babe" Will said giving me a kiss on the cheek

" Okay" my cheeks turned red at the feel of his kiss, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Mason and Will took off towards the buses and Cort and I headed to the car.

"Can you freaking believe our day" Cort said grabbing my arm as we skipped to my car.

“I know its crazy and I really think I'm falling for Will which after JD I never thought would happen."

Cort looked at me with a smile " Good for you, NO good for us we've found good boys"

We climbed into my car and waited for the boys, 5 mins later we were on the road to the condo, the whole way I fought off all the comments made about my " Bread box" as we all laughed and joked.

I pulled up to the under ground parking lot that belonged to our condo and punched in the pin number to get in the gate. I saw in my rear view mirror
a car follow behind me and just figured it was a resident, people did it all the time when they were to lazy to punch in they're number.

We proceeded to my parking slot and I noticed the car pulled up behind me. As I turned off the car I saw a man get out, a face covered in shadow stepped out into the light and I saw someone I never wanted to see again....JD and his blue eyes pierced into my soul the way he looked at me. I instructed Cort to dial the police and give them our security code to get in the gate, and told everyone to stay in the car. I stepped out of my car only to hear the voice that haunted my dreams for so many nights say....

“Did you miss me doll face, I told you, you can’t hide from me, I told you I’d be back"

My heart bursted into my throat as thoughs words sent shivers down my spine.

This wasn’t going to be good.....
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i hope if your following you'd comment and let me know!!