Everything we had

Chap 13

When I came to I looked to see Will next to me, funny the same face I saw this morning with such a great smile, now had tear filled eyes and a worried look on it.

"Oh baby are you okay I--I was so scared" Will choked out.

I looked to see Cort sobbing in Mason's arms when she saw me awake she rushed to my side

"What happened?" I was so confused

"You passed out from lack of oxygen to your brain; the shot you heard was the police shooting a bean bag gun at JD." Cort said with the same worried look as Will

The ground was cold and I realized I was on the garage floor next to my car. My face hurt and my neck felt on fire, I sat up to see JD in the back seat of the cop car, a paramedic approached me.

"We'll be taking you to the hospital for a check up" he said.

" No No really I’ll be okay" seeing the reflection of my figure in the car a parking stall away from mine, I had a little cut on my face most the damage was to my neck it was black and blue and a little swollen " It's just a little scratch I don’t want to go to the hospital its been a long night, I just really want to go up to my place, Please!"

"Well we can't make you go if you don't want to, you’re sure your okay." he looked at me

"Yes, yes I'm fine I promise."

"We'll get our bags and head up." Cort said Mason and her grabbed everything out of the car

I finished the paper work and watched as the cops took JD away making sure he was gone, William still kneeling down still puzzled still silent. I had stood up and he was still the same.

"Will what’s wrong" he stayed silent

"look I'm sorry this happened you must think I'm crazy, we just met and this happened." he started to move standing up and coming towards me.

" I didn’t protect you" he said quietly


" I didn’t protect you, I promised I'd protect you and I didn’t"

"Will there was nothing you could do he had a knife, there wasn’t much any of us could do." I started to walk towards him and went to grab his arm but he pulled away.

"I'm sorry if I'm to much, I'm sorry my past caught up with me now, if you don't want to see me anymore I would understand."

"Toni are you kidding I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself."

"Please don’t be okay, can we just go up to the condo its late and I want to get out of this creepy garage and into some pj's we have a long day tomorrow, Pike then Alki then the worst thing that is happening to me is taking you to catch the red eye flight tomorrow night, but right now all I want is for you and me to go up stairs and relax, together." I said with a smirk

I saw the twinkle come back in to Bill's eye

"Okay, don’t ever think I would leave you though I’m here with you for as long as you want me around." he said

" Well then hold on tight because I plan on having you around for a long time." I grabbed Will's hand and we headed off towards the condo.

"Wait" Will said “unlock your car"

I did and then Will came running back with a Cracker Jack box. He pulled out a bracelet and slipped it around my wrist.

"So you'll never forget me." he smiled I took the bandana from my hair I put on before the concert and gave it to Will.

“So you'll never forget me." We then headed to the condo to meet up with Cort and Mason