Everything we had

Chap 14

my throat throbbing as we walked up the last couple stairs to my place.

"So are you sure your alright your neck is really brused."Will looked at my neck as he gently brushed his hands against it. God I loved his touch just by his hands running over the finger shaped bruises on my neck I could feel the pain start to subside.

As I looked at Will and the worry in his eyes I took his hands "trust me I’m fine and I’ll be fine now that I have you." We kissed again and I guess not realizing it we had been standing in front of my door for a while because all of the sudden Cort and Mason came bursting through with a look of panic in they're eyes. Mason was on such a roll he charged head first in to Will which caused him to fall.

"Whoa what the hell Mason?" I said confused

"Oh my god! there you guys are, we got worried when it took you two almost an hour to get here" Cort screamed "And from the damn parking garage were we felt you two!"

"Cort I’m sorry we must have lost track of time "I chuckled at the sight of Mason still lying on the top of Will, Cort looked down.

"Umm attack Mason you can release Will they're not in trouble anymore."

I looked down at Will” now whose helping who off they're ass" I smirked

" Yeah I don't think so, Come here!” Will said yanking me down on top of him wrapping his arms around my waist as he started to kiss me

"Um ok well now that we know you two are right out side the door we'll leave ya to it!!!" Cort said as she shut the door.

I don’t know how long passed and didn’t really care, we finally got into my place.

"Wow this place is nice" Will said looking around

"Thanks, so umm my room is up the stairs and the first door on the left."

"Wait you want me in your room, wouldn’t it be better for me to crash on the couch or guest room?"

"Well our guest room is full of crap we didn’t know where to put and the couch IS crap... I don’t have cooties and my bed is comfy I want you to feel at home."

"Yeah don’t be a wussy Beckett" Mason yelled from the kitchen” I'm staying in Cort's room and besides its better than the tour bus or some nasty hotel."

"Thanks for butting into the convo Mas." as William started to take his stuff to my room

I laughed and skipped into the kitchen to see Cort and Mason eating left over cheese cake and ice cream.

"Wow does your neck hurt?" Mason said looking at me

"Naw... does it look bad?"

"No I was just worried who that guy was and why is he a maniac?"

As Cort and I started to fill him in I noticed it’s been a while since I’ve seen Will. So I started towards my room. As I opened the door I saw William standing there looking at the art work on my wall.

"Will what’s up?"

"Did you take these pictures?" he looked at me

" Yeah, I took the pics on my wall, drew all the art work, painted all the paintings it’s just something I do in my spare time."

"This stuff is really good, but why do you only take black and white picture?"

"Well they're easier to develop by my self that’s what the other extra room is its my dark room were I developed all the pic's you see I find that taking pictures in black and white capture more of the worlds color in a way"

"Your really talented"

"I try...."

As we sat there talking about all the different pictures and drawings I heard foot steps coming up the stairs

"Hey were going to bed see ya in the morning Pike and Alki tomorrow WOOT WOOT!" Cort said

"Night" I called out

"Night" they both yelled

" Be good, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do" I called out to Cort

"So we can pretty much do anything" she joked back

"Oh shut up go to bed brat!"

I turned around to see Will already lying in bed, he looked so tired. I went into my master bath and changed. I have the biggest room with my own bathroom and Cort has the second biggest so pretty much the only difference between her's and mine is I have a bathroom.

I came back out to see Will already passed out I turned off the lights so the only light that illuminated the room was the moon that swept across the floor like if you were to spill a bucket of paint. After taking a couple of pictures at the sight of this I climbed into bed.

As I started to doze off Will turned and tucked his body into mine so it fit perfectly. I felt him nuzzle the back of my neck and kiss me.

"Good night babe" he whispered in my ear.

Yeah this was going to be a good night.