Everything we had

Chap 15

The next morning I rolled over to an empty bed, as I sat up confused and wondering 'did I dream all of what happened yesterday’? I went to stretch my neck because it felt stiff and that’s when I realized...ohh nope wasn’t a dream my neck was still sore from the crazy choke hold JD had on me. The next thing I heard was the toilet in my bathroom flush and Will appeared in the door way wearing nothing but basketball shorts.

His pale slim frame was amazing looking as I sat there in a daze.

"Good morning sunshine" Will said

"Hey good morning did you sleep well?"

"Better than ever you bed is amazing not to mention the feel of your body cuddled up next to mine helped tons" he grinned shyly with a look like I can't believe I just said that out loud.

He came and jumped on the bed beside me and we just lay there a little longer, playing footsies and giggling about stupid jokes we were telling each other. We were in the middle of a pretty heated game of thumb war when Cort and Mason came busting threw the door with cups of coffee in each hand.

"Startbucks run eh?" I said

"Yeah at first we were afraid to come in for fear of the two of you being naked or something" Cortney chuckled with one of her eye brows raised.

" Nope were dressed sorry to disappoint you, thanks for the coffee, I am going to get up and take a shower so we can head out, Will if you need a shower the closet down the hall has towels and the bathroom is across from it.” I smiled

"Thanks" Will got up and grabbed his bag but before he walked out he turned to blow a kiss to me in the air. I smiled again blowing him one back. Mason walked out after him rolling his eyes while he had his finger in his mouth acting like he was gagging.

“You two make me sick" Cort said” So how was last night?" she looked at me eyes wide waiting for juicy details.

" it was fine we didn’t do anything dirty we just talked and then fell asleep in each others arms, so get your mind out of the gutter, did you get into any trouble?" I asked

"Nope our night was about the same except ALOT more making out!"

"OKAY!! to much info, I'm going to take a shower"

"I'll be down stairs"....Cort got up and ran down stairs

I headed towards the bathroom grabbing a towel. I stepped inside and first thing I noticed in the mirror was not only was my neck bruised but the cut on my face was starting to bruise. ‘Dammit, Damn him" I thought JD was such a bastard. I tried not to think about it as I undressed and stepped in the shower. I was in the shower for a while and heard my phone ring. I got a text from Cort.

"Get out of the shower already we're waiting for you."

I texted back

" Okay, I'm out getting dressed right now"

I got out and looked out side and noticed it was nice so I grabbed my pink hobo skirt, black tank top and old navy flip flops as I applied my eye liner and the rest of my make -up I noticed the bracelet Will gave me, slipped it on and ran down stairs.

"Wow you look beautiful" Will said his eyes locked on me seeing him stair made me nervous all over again.

"Thanks you look pretty damn handsome you’re self." I said giving him a kiss. Will had on a tight pair of black jeans, black shoes a white v-neck shirt and the bandana I gave him he tied around his left leg just above the knee.

"OKAY now that we've covered how fine we all are lets goooo, I told Laurissa we'd meet in front of the Pike by the flying fish." Cort said

"flying fish?" Mason looked extremely confused

"you'll see" she kissed him and he got a huge smile on his face.

I grabbed my keys and we were on our way out the door.

Today was gonna be awesome JD was yet again locked up and I was going to spend the day with my boyfriend... Yeah I liked the sound of that.