Everything we had

Chap 16

We made our way to the car the boys lugging they're bags along. I told them they could leave they're stuff at my place and we'd swing back by but they insisted on brining them so I didn’t have to drive a bunch today so I didn’t complain. I was enjoying myself watching Will bend over to put his stuff in the back of my "shoe box" as the boys liked to call it.

"So where we off to?" Will said from the passenger seat with that smirk I loved so much.

"We're going to meet laurissa and Trace at the Pike Place Market, Its this really cool place with a bunch of little shops and there’s a fish market there known for throwing fish, then from there we're gonna head over to Alki Beach what we call beach you'll think its a big sand box because its not as pretty as some beaches you've been to but they got some gnarly fire pits to have bonfires so we'll do that until you gotta leave for the airport." I explained

"What time do you need to be at the airport anyway?" Cort said with a pouty face, gosh I knew how she felt I was so not looking forward to dropping my boyfriend off and not knowing when would be the next time I’d see him.

"We'll our flights at mid- night so probably about 11:30ish"Mason was giving Cort a big hug while he said that.

"Oh well that just works out then because we have to be off the beach at 11:00 so that’s a plus, sucks you guys are leaving but good the times work out." trying to put a positive spin on things.

Next thing I knew Will was holding my hand running his thumb over my fingers lightly giving me a look like no matter how far I am I will always be with you and you with me.

I jumped when I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket,

"Hey Rissa Roo what’s up."

"I heard what happened, I'm sorry I didn’t call I just figured you wanted to rest."

"Oh hon its ok I'm fine just a little scratch and bruising I'll be fine, where you at?"

" We're here waiting for you"

"Ok well will be there in like 2 mins I’m just parking"

"ok see ya in a few"

"Alright buh bye" I said hanging up

I found a place to park and did just that parked we all unloaded and William was sweet enough to pay for the spot. We headed towards the Pike. Not to seconds of walking I saw Laurissa and Trace in the distance kissing. Jeeze what have I done these two couldn’t keep they're hands off each other.

"Now how are you suppose to spot us coming if you guys are lip locked I guess you’re not shy of a little PDA." I joked

Laurissa turned to see me and Cort and came running "Oh stop it we just gave each other a little smooch HOLY CRAP your neck."

"Ahh nice to see you too it looks worse than it feels." I said

William, Mason and Trace all ran up to each other and hugged like they hadn’t seen each other in years. Then we proceeded to where they throw fish as Laurissa, I and Cort watched the boys make fools of them selves trying to catch fish. They also signed about 100 autographs and took about 300 pictures.

They finally broke free from the mob and we shopped around a little more Mason and Cort got these really neat matching braided leather bracelets, Laurissa and Trace found these cool thumb rings that matched and Will and I got these necklaces that had each others letters of our first names on them.

We noticed that it was getting a little late in the afternoon so we decided we better get a move on to the beach to get a pit for the bon fire. Mason missed Trace so much that him and Cort decided to ride with Laurissa. Which was fine it gave Will and I more alone time? My next challenge was coming the dreaded parallel parking at the beach this was going to be interesting.