Everything we had

Chap 18

"All right all right lets get this bon fire started huh!!" Will said

As I sat there looking at Bill and the guys start the fire, I wondered what he was thinking. If he was sad he was leaving tonight, if he was going to miss me. I know I'm going to miss him which is why I was so bummed that the day went so fast.

The dusk soon turned into full on night. the thing I loved about Alki was on the beach even though there was a road and street lights next to it you were far enough off the road for when you looked up the stars just glared down at you like they knew your deepest darkest secrets.

Soon enough the boys were running around the fire yelling " I MADE FIRRREEE, I MADE FIRRREEE" Acting like Tom Hanks in Cast Away "WILLLLSSSSOOOOONNNN" Mason yelled as he plopped down next to Cort grabbing for his guitar.

"You guys are so childish" Laurissa giggled

"Ohh yeah" Trace looked at her with a playful yet shocking look on his face as he belly flopped on top of Laurissa pinning her to the sand and gently kissing her forehead. Yeah its love, I thought to myself.

Mason started playing the tabs to "Melting in your eyes" by The Used. I picked up on the melody quick because not only had William and I heard that song in the car in the drive here but it brought good thoughts to me I always thought 'WOW someone loves someone so much that they could write an amazing song like that, I loved that song.

I began humming the lyrics to myself until William who was bundled next to me under our blanket started singing.

"In your eyes, I lost my place
can stay a while,
I'm melting in your eyes,
like my first time that I caught fire,
just stay with me lay with me now."

His voice made me weak as I starred at him he just gazed into my eyes, when he began to shy away from singing he got the crooked smile on his face. I could def spend my life time with this man I thought.

Our eye lock soon was interrupted by a loud college frat party a few pits down from ours. Can the cops not see that these idiots were drinking? Things are going to get out of hand; someone is going to get hurt.

We were in the middle of a grueling game of "I never" when I noticed that one of the fratty boys wondered from his flock of overly aggressive college kids, He was clearly drunk stumbling all over the place. Slurring his words as he mumbled to him self. He made his way strait for our pit his eyes fixated on Cort who had been standing up now stretching her legs, Mason was sitting right below her. The next thing this eagerly hormonal frat boy did shocked not just me but everyone with in viewing range who totally saw that Mason and Cort had come to the beach together. I seriously could not believe this guy had the balls to do what he did.