Everything we had

Chap 19

As Cort sat there totally oblivious and un- pre paired the tall thin yet muscular black haired green eyed belligerent frat boy wrapped one hand around Cort's chest and cupped his hand and placed his other hand on her butt. Cortney's face went from love and excitement to scared and violated. The guy proceeded to say something totally inappropriate I couldn’t tell but Mason turned to see what was going on and stood up.

"What the hell dude, get off my girlfriend!!!" he started to get in his face and the dark haired frat boy just laughed and started towards Laurissa with the same intentions. Trace and William who had a hold of me stepped up to stop the guy.

"Dude you seriously need to walk away your drunk and we don’t need you to get into anymore trouble than what I’m about to put you in" Mason said walking up behind him

"MASON! just let him walk away I, I'm fine I'll be fine" Cort said grabbing him.

The guy looked at us like we were the ones drunk, giggled and then stumbled away.

"Babe are you alright? Why didn’t you let me beat his ass?" Mason looked at Cortney with a pissed off look

"For one he was extremely drunk and probably wont remember this ever happening tomorrow and two lets say you go to beat his ass and his frat buddies hear what’s going on a decide to come over and start to gang up on you and you get hurt, I couldn’t live with myself" Cort began to tear up I could tell she cared alot for Mason

"What are you talking about getting hurt? What you don’t think I can handle myself or even if my boys got my back you think I’d get hurt?" Mason looked angry at Cort for even saying what she did.

"NO! I don’t mean that at all, I just mean that I would feel horrible if you got hurt just because... well because of me"

"You just because of YOU are you kidding you mean everything to me, Cortney I want you to know that I would take a bullet for you" Mason grabbed Cortney and pulled her into a tight hug.

We all just stood there watching the argument between the two. I noticed when the guy started to walk away Will grabbed my hand tighter, and that some how made me feel safe and protected more than ever before.

“Mason has a point," William spoke up

"We just met you guys but I think I speak for all of us when I say we'd do anything for you. I know I’d do anything I could to keep Toni safe, I mean look I've already failed once....I'm not going to let it happen again" he looked at me " I promise you, I will protect you with all I have 'For you I am blinded, for you I am blinded, for you" he sang the favorite part to Everything We Had and my heart started to beat fast as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"OKAY you two make me sick"Laurissa said "LOVEY DOVEY BLAHHH!!"

"Hey now you two do PDA all the time” Mason said in our defense

"Hell Ya! And nothing will change” Trace pushed Laurissa back on the sand and kissed her.

"Hey kids its time to start packing up the beach is closing" A police officer said.

"Alllllright" I said bitterly why did he have to ruin our moment

"So who's driving or riding with who to the airport" I glanced looking around.

"Well Laurissa and I were gonna go rent some movies to bring to the house so we'll probably ride together"Cort said

"oh okay but no chick flicks" I grinned

So as we all said our good byes mainly the boys because they weren’t going to see one another in like 30 mins on the flight anyway I watched William high five Trace and Mason but the whole time not taking his eyes off of me.

We started towards the car and I thought 'UGH! I don’t want to drop him off. Why can’t he just stay wit me forever'.

We held each other close as we walked, I could feel Will's heart beat as our bodies were so close side by side, our trip to the car was depressing yet romantic kind of like William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. I could already tell that saying good bye was going to be hard.