Everything we had

Chapter 2

my heart was beating as I starred up at this good looking man above me....all of the sudden my thoughts caught up with the words he was saying

" hey are you okay, hello you okay down there?"

"Ohh yeah yeah I’m fine I’m just a super big klutz no worries" I managed to say through my extremely red face from embarrassment

" well here lemme help you up, here grab my hand" he held out his perfectly crème colored hand as I realized where I was and who was laughing at me.

I get up and look to see Gabe dying in a booth a couple feet from ours and turn to see Cortney howling as she’s lying on the bench seat of our booth.

“I hope your enjoying the butt covered seat your face is laying on as you laugh at me" I snarled

William laughed and Cortney sat up saying sorry while doing it. I was still is shock as I sat back down on my side of the booth William pulling up a chair to our table.

Sticking out is hand saying " Hey I’m William Beckett or bill or billiam or beckett what ever you want to call me" I looked at him and in my head was thinking 'like I don’t know who you are' "Hi I’m Toni Millar " saying shyly Cort stuck out her hand " Cortney Hines we know who you are well actually we know who you and your friends are we're here to see you concert at 7"

" Aren’t you a little early its 9 am " William looked at us confused

" well see its easy for you to get up close to see the bands one being your in one of them and two you can stand back stage and watch, with us normal people we have to get here like 6 hours early to stand in line trying to be the first ones in so we can get right in the front" Cortney said smartly not rude she was just always so forward that one thing I liked about having her as my friend/sister.

Bill glanced over at me and then to his friends" hey is it alright if my friends come over and join you ladies"

"No not at all you guys are welcome to hang out " I said as I gazed into bills eyes you know they say pictures don’t do much for people well they're right because you need to see them in person for sure. William was amazing looking he was just so easy to look at it made me want to get my camera just to take a black and white photo of him to catch his cheek bones in the right light. I know right he's sitting in front of me and all I’m thinking about is taking a picture of his cheek bones but his features were so....so aww there’s really no words you would have to be in this moment to understand.

William signaled for his friends to come over I moved over in my booth and bill slid in next to me and as fate would have it Mason sat next to Cort while trace and Gabe fought over the chair until one of them realized they could grab another chair from another table a use it.

" SO ladies what are you plans for today" Gabe said in a flirty tone

"well as I was telling Billy boy over here we are going to go sit in front of the phinox to be the first ones into your show" Cort said with a cheerful tone

Me on the other hand didn’t say much I was so hypnotized by the warmth that Williams leg was giving off to mine that all I could do was sit there and listen to Cortney go on and on about us looking completely lame getting to the venue 6 hours before the start to be the first ones in.

Gabe looked at me and said” so what’s some good things to do here in Seattle"

" Umm there’s ugh ummmm well the space needle and the EMP area over there" as I pointed like an idiot in the direction of the downtown Seattle area.

Cortney gave me a look like omg your blowing it by being such a nervous wreck then out of know where trace said " hey you guys want to show us around we'll make a day of it"
" and at the end of it instead of you guys waiting out side forever you can come to the show with us as our guests" William said looking at me

" SURE" I squeaked " I ugh mean yes that would be great"

and so we were on our way....
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