Everything we had

Chap 20

As we walked slowly along the beach I noticed Will got very quite and very serious...

"What are you thinking about Billiam?" I asked as I nudged him playfully "you've gotten super quite."

"just how I'm so amazed how close we've gotten in such a short time, I can't believe it" he glared at me with a serious look then turned his attention to the glare of the moon shining down on the water.

'Was this going to be a good or bad convo' I thought to myself. Was he going to say maybe we should talk less so it wont hurt so much while he's away or was he gonna say maybe we shouldn’t talk at all? I know he just confessed that he would do anything for me and he would never leave me but...I still had my doubts about things thanks to JD I thought every guy wasn’t good or they were out to hurt me in some way. My insecurities I guess the always get the best of me.

I looked at him "Yeah" nervously” I cant believe it ether, we got a lot in common and the way we met was sure classic." HA HA wow I’m a klutz

"I just don’t know how much I’ll get to talk to you when I’m gone" Will said now focusing is attention to his feet walking in the sand 'Ugh ohh I knew it I freaking knew it my insecurities were right' "I mean I really like you and what we have is awesome"

"BUT!" I said starting to feel angry, sad, depressed and hurt all at once

"But, I want you to know I’ll always be thinking of you even if I only get to talk to you maybe even 5 mins a day"

Whoa I thought as I nodded he didn’t even break it off with me unless this was his way of "letting" me down easy and if so that is just wrong.

"So what are we then? Yesterday you called me your girlfriend was that just to piss JD off thinking that would help the situation or did you mean it, I mean I don't like to be Ms Butt in or need to know it all but your kind of sending me mixed signals here?"

William laced my hand in his "You and me....were together your my girlfriend and I well I'm your boyfriend, nothing will change that its just I wont get to talk to you as much while I’m gone and it'll be hard to get a hold of me."

I nodded “Well duh! I know you’re in a successful band I mean I’m surprised and thankful I’ve been able to hang out with you and get to know you as much as I have."

"You’re amazing you know that?" Bill looked at me with that grin that breaks my heart

"Well ya know I try" I smirked

"I'm not completely blinded ya know I see things and I know who you are and what you do, on top of being absolutely proud of you I know the consciences of being a band guys girlfriend, I ugh...I just hope you wont do what JD did to me." After saying that I let go of his hand as we reached my car kind of afraid of what he would say, even if it was good.

"TONI!" Will grabbed my shoulder and spun me around placing his hand on the back of my head he gently pressed me against my car with his face close to mine he said "I'll never hurt you, I’ll never leave you, you can always trust me, I promise, Promise, Promise" and with that he planted the deepest longest kiss on my lips it nearly took my breath away.