Everything we had

Chap 21

William opened my door to the car then he walked around to the passenger side.

"I am realllllyyy not looking forward to taking you to the airport" I whined

"Come with me" William yelled out of no where scaring me half to death


"Come with me, the boys would love to see you again and I’m sure Vicky T would like to have another girl around and we only have 3 more shows left so.....COME with me" Will looked at me with excitement

"Awww Bill-V I’d love to but I have a record company to get back to regrettably tomorrow starts a new week and I’m suppose to be checking out some new groups, ugh you have no idea how hard that was for me to say I don’t want to turn down your offer" my heart was aching

"Probably just as hard as it was for me to hear, but I understand I seriously will call you and think about you everyday, I PROMISE!"

"Your so sweet William" I smirked

the rest of the car ride was in a comfortable silence. We just exchanged glances and hummed to our favorite songs.

About 10 mins later we came upon the airport departures. I could feel myself getting sadder my heart that was once warm and happy became cold and lonely all over again. I could see Williams face change as well.

Williams [pov]

as we approached the airport I could see Toni's face go blank, what once was happy and full of life became serious and pale I knew how she felt, in such a short time so fast I had started to fall for her. I couldn’t say the three words I longed to say to her for fear of chasing her away but my feelings were strong now.

"I know what you’re feeling right now" I glanced at her. She looked surprised

"Really! Because I’m ugh well I’m not okay, I'm trying to be strong but this REALLY sucks." her eyes began to fill with tears as we pulled over so she could drop me off.

"Please don't cry, I can't see you cry" I begged her. God I’ve said good bye to family members, friends even past girlfriends before but none so hard. Of course I loved my family and I love my friends too and honestly I never loved my ex's even if I said I did. I have fallen I love with this girl I had only met yesterday and call me crazy but I really wish she hadn’t turned my offer to come down because I would do anything for her.

Toni's [pov]

As William said those words I couldn’t help it I started crying.

"I, I’m so sorry Will I can't help it" I said drying my cheeks from my salty tears " I've seriously never felt this way before."

"Toni I’m going to miss you so damn much" he grabbed me and squeezed me so tight it knocked the wind out of me but I didn’t care.

After we said our long good byes Will had to hurry off so he wouldn’t miss his plane. Before he walked out of my sight he turned to blow me a kiss and winked then yelled “I’ll call you as soon as I get a chance"

Then the man of my dreams turned and walked away. As I climbed into my car my eyes full of tears again I started towards home. I noticed since I had pulled out of Alki there was a black beaten down car that had followed me to the airport I figured who ever was driving it dropped someone off at the same time as me. Just merely a coincidence. My thoughts soon changed when the car started going the same way as me and turned off they're lights. Yeah like I wasn’t going to notice that....
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