Everything we had

Chap 23

Cort's [POV]

'Come on shake,shake,shake,shake,shake it’ my cell phone rang on the coffee table Metro Stations "Shake it" was the ring tone for people who were not programmed in my phone list. Honestly I was hoping to hear The Academy Is We've got a big mess on our hands because that was Toni's ring tone but all in all I was happy to hear my boyfriends voice blaring front he little speaker on my phone. Laurissa and I were sitting on the couch waiting for Toni so we could start our movie night and talk about our amazing last couple of days where she was??

"Hello?" I said excitedly thinking it was Mason calling from the airport or a hotel room after landing or even Toni calling from out of service

"Good evening may I please speak with Cortney Hines?" a man asked his voice I had heard before

"Speaking who's this?"

"Hello Cortney this is officer Ryan Robertson with the Seattle police dept"

"Oh hey your Vicky T's boyfriend, how’s everything going did you go on tour with her and the guys or something because if you di---" I got cut off sometimes I tend to ramble and this would be one of those moments

"No, ohh I’m sorry for cutting you off but I’m well ya see" he hesitated "I'm afraid I have bad news"

"Oh?" my heart sunk as I aced that

"Well yes, this was the only number found at the scene, you see" he started until I cut him off

"Scene?, what scene can you just get to the point Ryan I’m kind of confused is someone hurt?"

At toughs words Laurissa sat up from her missing Trace slumber

"It's your friend Toni there’s been and accident and she's been taken to the hospital"

"What? is she alright what hospital what happened?" my mind had plenty more questions but I forced it to stop there and wait for an answer

"She's in pretty bad shape all I can say is she's lucky I found her in time and there was a suspect taken into custody from the scene. She’s been taken to Highline I'll wait for you in emergency to fill you in on more"

"ohh umm ohh my god we'll be right there" as I hung up tears began to build up in my eyes

"Cortney what happened? What’s wrong? Who...whose hurt?" Laurissa looked panicked

"Laurissa you need to call William, you need to keep calling him if you cant get a hold of him because he needs to know Toni's been in a car accident, there’s more to the story but just tell him what we know she's been in an accident and they have a suspect in custody but I don’t know who or why" I looked at her while wiping my eyes, I needed to be strong

"You don’t think JD has anything to do with this ......do you? She asked me

"He cant he's in jail I thought he violated restraining orders and stuff...we need to head to the hospital now!" I jumped up and grabbed Laurissa's keys and made a mad dash for the door with her close behind me.

Laurissa's [POV]

what the heck was happening, who could do this? I remember just before Will and Toni left Alki he came to me

"Hey Laurissa we need to exchange numbers. I’ve already got Cort's but I want Toni's cousins too just in case I cant get a hold of her"

"Awww how sweet" I joked as we exchanged digits

As I sunk out of memory I just never thought I’d have to call him for something like this. I dialed his number Ring...ring...ring...ring...ring...ring...'dammit no answer'

"hey you've reached BILL-V ( I heard sisky yell in the back ground) yeah thanks sisky business, anyways you've got Will leave a message"

"Will its Laurissa, ugh when you get this call me please its about Toni I don’t want to say much over message but its important PLEASE CALL ME" I hung up in panic

"He didn’t answer" I looked at Cort who was driving my car like a mad woman I didn’t blame her nor did I care

"Keep trying you don’t have to leave a message every time just call until he answers" she said "we need to get to Toni"
So I kept calling 2, 3, 4 times nothing after the 7th time we had reached the hospital and was parking in emergency and as if fate was on our side we got a close spot fast. I gave Cort a look like nothing, still no answer.

"We need to get inside, just call him again after we talk to Officer Ryan"

"Officer Ryan? Vicky's boyfriends a cop?" I was confused now more than ever

"Yeah I guess" Cort said now speed walking for the door

As we approached the double sliding glass doors I could see the outline of Officer Ryan, what had happened or did I even want to know....