Everything we had

Chap 24

Cort's [POV]

"Officer Ryan, what the hell happened Toni is she alright?" I ran up and shook his hand

"Follow me we'll talk in a room" he said and we did as we were told

He lead us in the nearest waiting room and asked to have a seat

I started to feel un-easy and pissed off "SERIOUSLY Ryan cut the crap what is going on?" Laurissa looked at me stunned

"Calm down!" Ryan snapped

"No I wont, what’s going on will you tell us now,...I'm sorry for snapping I’m just scared"

"Its alright, I asked you to sit cause I don't know how well your going to take what I’m about to tell you.."We looked at him now as if we were in a trance " I was driving up on interstate 5 when I came upon a Scion xB and a beat up black dodge neon, I noticed the Scion ran into a tree so I figured it was an accident, that is.." he loosened his color around his neck " until I saw a man beating on the woman in the car"

"JD it was JD wasn’t it" Laurissa cut him off now standing

With a sigh he continued "Please Laurissa this is hard enough for me please sit" she did as he asked now sitting with her knees up against he chest " Yes' I drew my gun and yelled for him to stop but he wouldn’t listen by this time I had called for back up and approached closer and shot out his left leg. He proceeded to stop and fall to the ground. So I ran up on him and cuffed him and that’s when I saw it was Toni, William girlfriend" Ryan looked distraught

"I, I don’t understand how did he get out how was he released form jail?" I asked

Ryan looked at Laurissa then back at me he was sweating now

"Some how things got mixed up and he made bail, he wasn’t suppose to be released but he got out"

I could tell he felt horrible

"Are you kidding me!!" I raised my voice until a doctor approached the 3 of us

"Are you by chance here for patient Millar?" he shook my hand with a sympathetic grip

"yes I'm Cortney and this is her cousin Laurissa" he shook her hand

"I'm Dr. Sanyo, Gavin Sanyo I’ve been the doctor working on Toni, at this moment she’s unconscious and has sustained a lot of trauma, from the accident she just suffers a concussion and a broken collar bone, but I'm afraid for the beating she took she has a shattered right cheek bone, broken hand, 3 cracked ribs, and a dislocated ankle along with stitches and sever bruising here and there" he seemed to say with a heavy heart

"Oh my gosh,umm so is she going to be okay?" I asked I could see the worry in Laurissa's face as she repeatedly called Will

" As of right now she's stable, you can see her how ever I must warn you she's badly beaten and has her eyes bandaged and is having trouble breathing on her own so she's hooked up to a lot of machines"

"That’s fine, I just want to see her we both do"

Laurissa's [POV]

We followed Dr. Sanyo to her room. My legs felt like rubber as I followed behind Cortney. Ring....ring....ring click, 'Dammit Will' I thought as I walked. I can’t get a hold of him, Trace or Mason, its %am now what could they be doing, they should be sleeping so they should have they're phones next to them.

We finally came to Toni's room my body went cold as we stepped into the room and saw her.Brused, Broken, Beaten these were understatements. Toni was life less laying there the only way we knew she was breathing was by the machine she was hooked to and at this point the only way you could tell it was her is because they left the bracelet Will gave her on.

"Ugh I feel sick" I said " I’m going to step out and try Will again"

"Okay" Cort looked at me then Toni and sat down next to her bed

I need to be strong, I need to stay strong no crying not now Toni has always been better at this than me I thought as I sat down on the floor in the hall way.

Ring...ring...ring my phone went in my ear as I tried William again and again

I started to give up when I told myself he needs to know no matter how annoying my calls are getting. I flipped open my phone and saw the picture on my screen I had of Toni and I.

Ring....ring "Hello? Laurissa is that you?" I heard Will say

there was a lot of background noise. I heard people laughing....

"Will omg Will I've been trying you for the last 2 hours now"

"hey I can't hear you can I call you back in a few"

"NO! Will don’t hang up it's about Toni there's been an accident!"