Everything we had

Chap 25

William's [POV]

"What?" god it was so loud in here Cobra was goofing off as usual Metro was in a battle with them and the rest of my group they were playing guitar hero on our bus.

"Let me step off the bus I can't hear a thing with everyone yelling" I started towards the front of the bus its been non stop since we got off our flight 2 hours ago

"Okay I can hear" I said into the receiver I suddenly got a chill as I could tell Laurissa's voice sounded shaky

"Will did you not have your damn phone I’ve been calling you for like 2 hrs" she screamed in my ear

"Whoa Laurissa Chill ou---" She cut me off

"don’t tell me to chill out Will not now not while Toni is lying in a hospital bed beaten and broken"

When she said toughs words they pierced my heart "What? What are you talking about what happened?"

"I'm sorry Will I tried to tell you" she paused as to catch her breath " she was run off the road by.....by JD" she was sobbing now "He ran her car into a tree right after she dropped you off at the airport then proceeded to drag her out of her car and beat her"

I felt my throat burn as acidy stomach waist started to rise; I was gonna be sick

"How, I mean what ugh no how did he" I stumbled over my words

"he got released on bail some how, they don’t know exactly, Will, WILL" Laurissa was screaming at me now all I could do was stair Blankley

"BECKETT!!" she shrieked

"Yeah sorry what?" I felt numb

"When can you get here, I mean she's stable so if you cant get out of shows I understand and I think she would too"

"No no I'll be on the next flight, I’ll get the boys and we'll come back. I'll call you when we land, to get where you’re at"

"Oh okay I’ll umm let Cort know, hey stay calm alright she's stable just keep thinking that"

"What injuries does she have?"

"I'll fill you in on that when you call to let me know you've landed, you've got enough to worry about okay" she assured me

"Alright ummm ohh alright I’ll call you soon" I hung u and sat there for another minute in a daze ' I didn’t save her, I wasn’t there to protect her' I ran back to the bus

"Ohhh what the hell I totally beat you, whoa Will what’s up?" Gabe looked at me

"The rest of the shows are off I have to fly back to Seattle, Toni she's in the hospital"

"what? Will is she okay" Vicky stood up

"Shoe got run off the road by her ex, enough I need to go Mason ,Trace are you going Vicky Ryan found her so you should come too!"

"WAIT WILL you can't just leave...we have a job we have band responsibilities" Gabe looked irate

"only you Gabe... does anyone else care?" I looked around a few shook heads no " I'll tell everyone else" Siska stood up

"Thanks Sisky" I hugged him

As I turned to run off the bus with my stuff I heard Gabe say "What ever!"

"Gabe you got beef? What the hell is your problem?"

"You just met this girl all you guys just met these girls and Vicky you too and your all running back to them" he was stepping over the line

"you do anything for love Gabe one day you'll pull your head out of your ass and feel this way" I said

"LOVE, yeah right" he scoffed

"I do Gabriel, I love her"

and with that Mason, Trace, Vicky and I went running for a cab. Next stop Seattle I needed to be with the one I loved.

Yeah it was love....