Everything we had

Chap 26

Laurissa's [POV]

" We wont be 17 forever and we can get away with this tonight' Opps I forgot to silence my cell phone as I sat in Toni's room the nurse shot me a dirty look Cort had run home to grab clothes and pack a bag she was planning on staying at the hospital until Toni got better

As Metro Stations "17 Forever" blared from my cell phone I answered it quickly to avoid another sketchy snarl from the nurse checking Toni's vitals.


"Hey Laurissa its Will we've arrived we're just taxiing to our gate now...How is she?" I could tell Will was worried and he sounded tired

"She's hanging in there I mean she's a fighter, Cort ran home to pack clothes to stay do you want me to call her and have her get ya since its not that far?"

"Naw, we can take a cab I want to get to Toni as fast and I can what hospital are you at and what room?"

"We're at Highline Hospital room 1142" I hesitated for a bit "Will?"


"I should warn you she doesn’t look good she's really beaten up" I sighed

"What were her injuries? he asked with a soft voice as if he was keeping him self from crying

"Well ugh, from the accident its self she has a concussion and a broken collar bone, but from what JD did she has a shattered right cheek bone, broken hand, 3 cracked ribs, and a dislocated ankle plus bruising and stitches here and there, I'm sorry this happened Will I’m even more sorry it happened and you and Toni just met"

"Wow! I cant believe she got hurt that bad, ugh I miss her so much I don’t care how she looks I just want to be with her, close to her I already feel bad enough not protecting her like I promised"

"Hey you cant blame this on your self that’s not fair, you, me Cort Mason Trace none of is could of prevented what happened and you know damn well Toni wouldn’t want you to think that way would she?" I assured him

"I guess your right; hey you said room 1142 right? Vicky will you remember 1142 we're getting a cab right now I'll see you when we get there" I heard Mason talking in the back ground " Hey Mason wants to know if Corts there yet?"


"He misses her and wants to make sure she's okay" Will said " and Trace says he cant wait to see you"

I grinned for the first time in a while "She should be here when you guys get here"

"Alright we'll see ya"

"Bye and Will really don’t blame yourself"


He hung up and I just sat there looking at Toni


I looked up to see Cort walk in with Ryan and Dr.Sanyo

"Hey what’s up?" I said lifting what felt to be a very heavy weak body out of the chair I was in

"So the doctor has some good news where’s Will and them?"

"They’re on there way they were loading into a cab the last I talked to him, what’s thee good news? I asked

"Well Toni is def going to pull threw all her tests for brain damage and internal bleeding came back on the good side" Dr. Sanyo said

"William's gonna be thrilled, now what about JD what’s going to happen to him? I looked at Ryan

"Well umm he's going to stand trial soon and they have him marked in red every where 'NO BAIL' so when I find out more I’ll make sure to tell you"

I could see he was thinking about Vicky T and I didn’t blame him all I could think about is Trace even more so now that I knew Toni was going to be okay

The long process was about to begin of Toni healing but I could tell things were going to get better things were going to get much better and it was about time we all needed it around here.