Everything we had

Chap 27

William's [POV]

Riding in the cab I was riding in the from as Trace Vicky and Mason rode in the back. We pass familiar places I could see the space needle and Alki as I tried to think good thoughts about the last time I saw Toni's face, heard her laugh and saw her smile.

What was once good memories in my head now left pits in my stomach as I thought about what I was going to see when we arrived to the hospital?

"Hey Will, how’s she doing?" Vicky said lightly front he back seat

"Well from what Laurissa said she’s pretty beaten up she suffered a few broken bones here and there and she's got bandages on her face from the accident. I just... I'm still in shock I mean I know people are crazy but I never thought anything would affect my life someone I care about so much I just feel sick" I began to hold my stomach here it comes again that acidy feeling.

"You know it’s not your fault right?" Trace said

" I feel like it is, I promised her, I promised I would protect her and I wasn’t there."

"Yeah but Bill-V you have a job too ya know and from what Cort has told me she understood that"

After he said that we all grew silent I couldn’t talk about the subject any longer it was hard enough to try to keep choking back tears as is. All I knew is I was going to make sure my world revolved around Toni making sure she never left my side. I wasn’t about to break anymore promises. I loved this girl to much to lose her.

Cort's [POV]

"Well that better news" I said as I sat across from Laurissa listening to the slow but steady breathing of Toni's machines she was hooked to.

"Yeah I guess" Laurissa said with her face buried in her hands

Next thing I knew I looked up to see a pale white tall skinny frame in the door way with out even making eye contact I could tell it was William because he had that bandanna wrapped around his leg. As I followed my glance up towards his face I saw his eyes lock on Toni then fill with tears as he turned to run out of the room.

"Will!!" I started for the door

"BECKETT!! What the hell you cant come all this way and run from her" as I chased him down the hall yelling and making a scene. When I said that he stopped and turned to look at me. I couldn’t tell if he was extremely pissed about me saying that or just flat out hurt. I noticed Toni was the only one who could tell what he was feeling or even thinking for that matter that’s why they were so perfect for each other.

"IT'S MY FAULT CORTNEY!!!" He yelled

"hey hey you guys need to ether leave the hospital or go into a waiting room" a nurse informed us with a irate look on her face.

"Sorry" as I yanked William threw a sliding glass door into the front.

"Will what’s your problem?" I said trying to cool off

"Its my fault she's in there Cortney I didn’t save her, I didn’t protect her like I promised"

"William seriously get over your self right now, she neeeeds you more than ever and you need to buck up and go back in there and be with her, you can protect her now....Save her now Will."

He just starred at me blankly his face was more pale than usual. I could tell it was due to stress that’s when he leaned up against the wall and sunk down putting his hands to his face and burring it all into his knees. As I stood there not knowing what to do I heard him begin to sob.

"Beckett just relax out here...calm down and when you’re ready come to the room" I turned and began to walk away. As I entered the room I saw Mason sitting in the chair next to Toni he looked up puzzled

"Where's Laurissa and Trace? I said

" They went to the cafeteria to get some coffee"

"Well you might want to go check on Will he's pretty broken up and could use a friend"

"okay" Mason stood up the next thing I knew he had me in a tight hug.

"Cortney, I’ve never felt this way before about anyone and seeing someone you know in this position Toni's in it makes me realize life unpredictable and sort" he kissed me and whispered in my ear.

"I love you Cortney Ann" and with that walked out of the room to check on William, and I was left there with no time to react. No time to grab him and never let go, no time to tell him I loved him back and missed him and I never wanted to be away from him again even for a short while.

But God did I really love him and it was nice to know he felt the same way