Everything we had

Chap 28

Laurissa's [POV]

"So doesn’t Toni have parents, where are they?" Trace said

"Man long story, they weren’t really there to begin with and things only got worse after her grandpa died and she inherited like 80% of the family's wealth, so since then I think she's talked to them once but for me its not even worth the call and I know she wouldn’t want me to waist my time" I said as I was filling up our coffee mugs.

"Man she's basically alone except for you and Cort under all her success with her record label and her condo and everything you wouldn’t think she was alone"

"Yeah pretty much, I think its a blessing in discise we met you guys" I looked at Trace he was amazing to look at his slender face and piercings, yeah he got weird looks from other people and drooling gazes of other girls/fans but he made me happy to be around.

“I feel the same way, before we left and came here Gabe threw this huge fit about us running back to you guys, them William told Gabe that one day he'll pull his head out of his ass and know how it feels to be in love like we are...." Trace kept rambling "It was hilarious you should of saw Gabe's face."

"Wait! Love?" I looked puzzled

"What? Well ummm.....yeah love" I could see Trace's face grow red as we made our way to the elevator. We pushed the button to go up at the same time our fingers brushed and Trace laced his fingers in mine and right there my heart skipped a beat.

"What’s wrong?" he looked concerned

"Nothing I guess I’m just a little confused by what you said" I said as we stepped onto the elevator Trace just starred at me, what else was I suppose to say he did confused the crap out of me. The next thing I knew he hit the stop button to stop the elevator

"What the...."

"Look love is a strong word and in the past till now I’ve only been able to say it to family and close friends, I mean I’ve had girlfriends kind of more like hook ups but with you its completely different and it kind of scares me." He paused to catch his breath

"Trace the elevator, were going to get into trouble we're in a hospital people need this elevator too"

"Just let me finish, Laurissa you are probably the greatest girl I have ever met and I wanted to hold out for as long as I could to say this for fear of you getting freaked out, I guess what I’m trying to say is I love you" he looked nervous but for once he wasn’t stumbling all over him self

After he finished he pressed the button to continue our climb to our floor, my mind was racing so fast so I slammed my hand on the button once again stopping the elevator. Trace looked surprised

"Two can play that game Mr. Cyrus" as I dropped our coffee and leaped into his arms "And I’m sure as hell not freaked out, wanna know why?"

" Why" Trace said with a smirk

"Because I am absolutely in love with you Trace you have no idea how happy I am right now"

We kissed long and hard until we heard over the intercom "Umm you two really need to wrap things up before I report you" the security guard said

"ohh my gosh I'm sorry" I said and pushed the button to continue to our final destination

We arrived on the floor and noticed Will wasn’t sitting where he had been so we made our way happily and gitty to the room but our once happy love filled minds soon turned cold again by the look of Will sitting in the chair next to Toni his eyes were blood shot from crying so much. Toni was going to be okay but Will was taking things pretty hard still.

Hopefully that would change