Everything we had

Chap 29

William's [POV]

As Laurissa and Trace walked in through the door I quickly tried to hide the fact I had been crying wiping my eyes. I sat straight in the chair, I didn’t understand before I had no problem expressing my feelings towards Toni whether it was kissing, holding, flirting anything but now my guilt made me feel like I shouldn’t be able to touch her. I didn’t have the privilege I lost all rights when I screwed up and didn’t protect her like I promised.

"You know" Laurissa must of noticed my discomfort "The doctor said its good to talk to her and hold her hand, Cortney and I even Mason I’ve heard has done it since yesterday when you guys came but we have no luck, no response even from us begging and pleading for just a little twitch nothing, Will she knows your hear talk to her"

After that being said Laurissa and Trace walked out to go sit with Cort and Mason. I just sat there looking at her. They had removed her bandages from her face and some how through all the bruises she looked so peaceful.

I sat there for a few more seconds then grabbed her hand lightly so as not to break her.

"Babe you there? If you can hear me grip my hand" Nothing I sighed how stupid was I for thinking there would be some miracle like in the movies.

"First off I want to apologize for not being here for you I'm so sorry, more than you'll ever know and I’m not going any where until your better and you can come with me" I could feel the warm tears and tried my best to choke them back

"You were the only face I’ve ever known" I sang quietly " I was the light from the lamp on the floor and only as bright as you wanted me to be"

Tears were falling from my eyes like slow steady drips from a leaky faucet

"Everything we had" as soon as I hit though words Toni gripped tight on my hand

"Everything we had" again tighter until I heard a mumble

"Toni, its Will babe I, I'm here right here!!" my body was shocked by her grip and mumbled

From then I knew it will be okay.....

A few days had passed since that last little hope of contact

"How’s she doing" Cort asked

"I think she'll be okay, I’ve gotten no mumbles or hand squeezes since the last couple days but I can feel something is different about today I know it"

Cort grinned and sat down at the end of the bed

Toni's [POV]

My head was killing me and I could feel the light shining threw my eyes lids which made it difficult to try to open.

I seriously had no idea how long I’d been out or what had happened. How ever I could hear Cort and William talking and Will obviously had been holding my hand for quite some time because our hands were clammy

"MmmmMm" what the hell that’s all I could manage to get out. I could hear Cort and Will's voices grow with more excitement

"Will?" I finally was able to put letters together to form a word 'finally that a girl' I thought

"Ohh my god" I heard Cort as I started to open my eyes slowly so I could get used to the light. I looked up to see that gorgeous face that had helped me the day I fell on my ass in the donut shop

"Toni! Can you see me?" Will screeched

"Of course I can why wouldn’t I silly" I giggled

"Hey Cort" I said

"Hey stranger welcome back you've been out for about 4 days now"

"Really? what happened"

Cortney went to detail about what had went down as Laurissa Trace and Mason entered

"Oh my god I can't believe that will you go find Ryan and thank him for me please I kinda need to talk to Will"

"Of course sweet heart" and Trace, Mason, Laurissa and Cort walked out

"William have you been here the whole time?"

"Yes, I’m sorry" he looked down


"Because I didn’t protect you"

"Stop it, from what it sounded like no one could and I wouldn’t of wanted you in the car with me because I wouldn’t want you laying in the hospital bed next to me"

"Toni, I love you....I've loved you since I laid eyes on you in Krispy Kremes and I'm sorry if this is scaring you but I needed you to know. I love you and I’m here for the long run, you'll never leave my site"

"Promise, Promise, Promise?" tears began to fill my joyful eyes


"Good that’s all I’ve ever wanted, I love you to William I've just been waiting for you to realize it and say it first" I giggled

and with that we kissed....