Everything we had

Chapter 5

So we all happily made our way to the science center like we didn’t have a care in the world. Gabe and Trace ran around the place like a couple of school kids. They were so excited to be at a place where it seemed told hold they're attention for more than a second.

We found the glow in the dark room and walked in.

" What the hell do we do here?" mason asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well if you would wait a second and stand against the wall you will see" I said as I did a hand stand against the wall all of the sudden we heard 1-2-3 and saw a flash of light.

"Now stand back and look at the wall" Cort said with excitement

as the boys stood back they saw they're shadows glowing in the darkness of the room on the wall. We were in this room for ever it seemed like, all making funny shadows of course Cort and Mason kissed in a bunch of them and Gabe and Trace acted like they were choking one another, William gave him self bunny ears and I tried to look like an Egyptian painting.

But soon enough the room got old and they boys wanted to move on.

And so we did, Cort lead us to the star room. Where they turn off the lights and you lay back and listen to a guy talk about constellations and what not. This was my favorite place because it reminded me of camping something my parents would actually take time out of they're busy lives to do with me.

William followed me in and sat next to me, Mason and Cort all cuddled up next to him and Gabe and Trace decided it was lame and they were going to go do that ride again and meet us at the EMP (experience music project) museum.

As we lay there looking at the stars Bill and I do that back and forth head looking thing until our eyes met. I start to feel nervous like I used to before I’d have to go to a new private school because my parents moved us once again.

“You know Toni for only the short time we've known each other when I helped you up off the floor I knew there was something about you I liked so much." Will whispered in my ear

" I like you too Will and I'm not just saying that because your famous and in The Academy Is but you way mellow and down to earth and that’s a great quality you have...I’m just afraid to get hurt again and your a musician and you know my track record with guys like you its not to good" I said worried about what he would say

" I would never in my life lay a hand on you and I promise I will never let anyone hurt you" he said

right then and there I believed him, I knew this was going to be different. William grabbed my hand again and looked deep into my eyes as he brought his other hand to my cheek ever so lightly under the glow of the stars all I could think about is I wish I had my damn camera. I felt his breath get closer to me and my nerves were about to explode into a passion filled kiss when.......

The lights came on and the star guide said " Thank you for all who paid attention to my star talk", giving a evil eye to Cort and Mason who had been making out the whole time. They looked back at him then to us with a guilty look on they're faces "Please everyone exit to your left and come again".

Everyone clapped but William and I looked away from each other out of embarrassment. 'DAMN LIGHTS' I thought as we all got up and headed towards the exit and to the EMP to meet up with Trace and Gabe.

"Damn Lights" I heard William say under his breath and it made me smile....