Everything we had

Chapter 6

Being thoroughly pissed about the lights turning back on we made our way to the EMP to meet up with the guys.Cortney actually noticed I was there, ever since her and Mason locked eyes it was thoughs two the whole day.

“WOW you actually decided to come up for air huh?" I said sarcastically

"Shut up we haven’t been kissing ...that much"

"UGH HELLO you two got in trouble at the star dome for kissing to loudly, not kissing that much my ass you two have been lip locked since he kissed you on the space needle.” Giggling at the sight of the star guides face in my head while he called them out for not paying attention.

Cortney looked at me in away I’ve never seen before

" I really like him Toni and its not just a physical attraction like kissing we just get along really well"

I gave Cortney a big hug " Cort I’m super happy for you, You've always been here for me and I'll be by your side no matter what he seems good for you and I approve" I said in a big sisterly way.

For the rest of the walk we talked about the boy’s butts in they're tight jeans as they walked in front of us laughing the whole way.

"What are you two giggly girls laughing about back there" Bill asked smiling that great smile of his.

"Oh nothing we're just amazed at how nice the view is" I said

" Yeah Seattle is actually very attractive looking from this light" Mason said looking around at the sights

" You have NOOOOO idea " Cort laughed

As we came upon the EMP Trace was holding his head and Gabe was laying on a concrete bench looking up.

“What the hell is up with you two “Mason yelled coming up some stairs he was the first one to spot the dueling duo.

"UGH I think we might have rode that ride tooo long, seriously my head is turning like a top and it hasn’t stopped since we got off" Gabe said holding is stomach

"How many times did you ride the thing?" Bill asked trying not to laugh but being sympathetic with the two

"Umm like 5 I think we talked the guy into never letting us off till we said so" Trace looked a little green in the face with just the thought of the ride.

"Sooo I’m assuming you guys want to make the museum trip quick eh!" Mason said puzzled as he walked over to grab Corts hand

"Yeah because I need to lay down before our set tonight" Gabe groaned

And so the museum session was the quickest I've ever went through we were there barley 45mins but it was still nice. Bill and I held hands the whole time I don’t think we paid much attention to the museum because we talked about everything under the sun our lives as kids growing up, and what made us who we are now.

It was a couple of hours before the show was to start so we made our way back to the limo...all of the sudden my phone rang.

“Hello this is Toni with Rewind Records" I answered I always answered like that on accident just habit I guess.

“Is your pretty face ready for my return?" a familiar voice said on the other end.

I froze and my heart started to pound as I asked “Who the hell is this?"
All I heard on the other end was heavy breathing and then click...they hung up