Everything we had

Chapter 9

William, Gabe, Trace and Mason all wanted to go to this club called 2121 yeah the name of it made you think it was 21 and up place right but nope it was a pretty cool 18+ joint. I guess on the way into town they're busses drove by it and since then they've been talking about checking it out.

"So what’s the plan tonight" Gabe looked at us

" Well from what I know we're all going to go out and party a little then I don’t know what you and Trace are doing cause we got tomorrow off but Mason and I are going to stick around here another day and catch the red eye flight to San Frans show tomorrow night" Will said while waiting for Vicky T, Cort and I get out of the bathroom. Girls always travel in packs.

"Finally " Mason said watching us walk out of the bathroom laughing "What takes girls so long to get out of the bathroom?"

"We go in there to talk about you..." Cort said being her smarty ass self she always is.

Mason Playfully ran towards Cort acting like he was going to tackle her and jumps on her back giving her a big wet kiss on the cheek. We al stand they're laughing as Cortney wipes off her face. My eyes wander from the sight of those two acting like big dorks; to see William looking at me he gave me a big grin and motioned me over to him with his head.

"What's up Will?" I said skipping over to him

" Ohh nothing" as he grabbed me only to hold me close and give me a deep long kiss that made my heart melt and my knees go weak again...

"Owwww Willy and Toni sitting in a tree" Cort yelled

" K-I-S-S-I-N-G" teased Mason

" Oh yeah I wouldn’t talk you two, you guys got in trouble for making out in the star dome" Will laughed

"Okay who's ready to party" Trace said

"Lets head out everyone" Gabe shouted over the lovey dovey couples and Trace

As we walked out the doors and I took a glace over at my car to see it was all good we loaded up in the limo and were on our way.

"My phone is ringing can we kill the music or turn it down?" I said looking at Gabe who then turned it down.

I flipped open the phone to see my cousin Laurissa calling me.

"Hey Rissa Roo what’s up?"

"Hey are you guys still at the concert I was going to come hang out"

"You'll never believe it if you don’t see it for yourself so meet Cort and I out front of 2121 we'll be pulling up in a limo" I whispered

"What? Okay I'll be there in 5" she hung up

"Who was that?" Cort asked

"Oh that was Laurissa she's going to meet up with us"

At the sound of another girl coming Trace perked up and slid over next to me.

"So ugh who's coming?" he looked at me with wide eyes

"Oh my cousin Laurissa she 's 18 she always comes and hangs out Friday nights she's going to meet us at 2121."

"Well well is she single?" he asked

"Yes she is do you want me to hook you up with her?" I questioned

"mmmhumm YES please" Trace said batting his eyes.

"Okay okay I will"

He gave me a huge hug and planted a big kiss on my cheek.

"Hey hey she's all mine” William said wrapping his arms around me.

Awwww the rest of the night is going to be great I thought to myself as I smelt the sweet smell of the intoxicating sent William was wearing.

He held me that way until we arrived to the club...

Here we go!