Sequel: Minor Threat

You Don't Want to Know

The First (and only) Chapter

"Seriously Edward, Louise is getting more and more rebellious, we should do something before she does something stupid."

The older woman pushed some of her bright platinum blond hair out of her eyes and looked at her husband, who seemed more interested in his newspaper than what his wife was telling him. He looked up from the paper and showed her a soft smile, nodding in agreement with what she had just said before reaching out for his cup of coffee and bringing it to his lips to take a sip from it.

"Well why don't you take her out shopping? I'm sure she'll love that," Edward said, looking at his wife who had a thoughtful look on her face before nodding, agreeing with what he had just said. Besides, she and her young daughter needed some bonding time. Standing up from the table, she walked to the other end and gave her husband a peck on the cheek before leaving the room, her blond hair swaying from one side to the other as she moved. Walking up the stairs of the huge mansion they resided in, the woman had a small smile playing on her lips as she reached the door to her daughter's room and gave it a small knock with her knuckles.

"Louise? Are you in there honey?" she asked in a sweet voice, putting her ear to the door but only hearing loud rock music coming from behind it, she frowned, not really knowing if she could allow her daughter to listen to music like this. Knocking on the door again, she sighed when her daughter didn't open once again but the music kept playing.

"Louise Evey Lamondre, open this door right now young lady!" she demanded, trying to open the door but realizing that her daughter had locked it. Trying to open it non the less, she began to pound on the door when she decided it was a lost cause.

Sighing, the woman realized that her daughter simply didn't hear her and was about to walk away when Louise opened the door, looking annoyed at her mother for interrupting whatever she was doing. She was wearing one of her looser t-shirts, a dark green one with a design that the woman didn't approve of, yet, she couldn't do anything about it, she had tried hiding the shirt and giving it away to people but somehow, she always got it back through unknown way's. Her long black pants were adorned with chains and she was wearing boots that the woman didn't remind buying for her daughter. In short, she didn't look anything like the high class girl she should be. Her light brown hair hung loosely over her shoulders and was clearly a mess by the look of it..

“Seriously darlin', put on some other clothes that are appropriate for a girl of your standards and meet me in the hall in 10 minutes, we're going shopping and nothing you say can do something about it.”

Louise sighed and muttered something under her breath that her mother couldn't hear as she was already walking down the hall, she glared at the retreating back of her mother before slamming her door shut and stomping around, throwing off her shirt and pants and trying to find something that would be appropriate for her mother. But looking in her closet, Louise couldn't help but smirk and look at her clothing. Picking out a short skirt and a dark red vest without sleeves, she was so smart to put on some thin black top under it so her cleavage wouldn't be visible and some small boxers under her skirt before she put on her long combat boots under it and putting her hair in two pony tails.

Looking at herself in the mirror after applying a good amount of eyeliner on each eye, she smirked at herself and nodded, oh yes, this outfit would certainly anger her mother greatly. Just what she wanted. Deciding that she was ready to go and spend the last 10 minutes well, she nodded and walked out of the room, being happy about the way she looked and anxious to see her mother's reaction to her outfit.

“My god Louise, what are you wearing this time?! You look like some hooker without a job!”

“Now now Monica, don't overreact, she looks perfectly fine,” Edward said, Louise smiled at her father and nodded in agreement before turning back to her mother who pursed her lips together and let out an aggravated sigh before turning around on her heels and stalking out of the room.

“Come on then, we don't have a lot of time left, I'm supposed to be at the manicure at 4, it's already 2.”

Louise sighed and shook her head, rolling her eyes at her mother's eagerness to go shopping, she looked pleading at her father who just gave her a pat on the back and pushed her towards the door, telling her to be kind to her mother while they were gone and not do anything stupid, after all, she was still one of them high class girls and she was expected to behave. Louise pouted as she climbed in the car and sat across her mother.

“Now what gave you the idea of dressing up like that, seriously my dear, I told you to dress appropriate, not like some hooker,” Monica said, looking at her daughter with a stern look and judging eyes, something with Louise had always hated about her mother. She shrugged and looked out of the window of the limousine her mother insisted on using whenever they went out. Monica looked at her daughter and then sighed, muttering something under her breath that Louise recognized as 'hopeless child', which made her smirk a little.

When they finally arrived at the mall, Monica chose to give her daughter her credit card and let her run loose in the mall, everything was better than to be seen with her in public, especially if she was dressed like that. Not that Louise really minded, she gladly took the credit card and made her way down to the shops where she could find just the thing she needed. She smiled and enjoyed the stares people were giving her. Then again, it was probably because people recognized her and wondered if it was really her.

“Now let's see, what could I do to freak them out even more?”

Yes, Louise wasn't exactly the high class society girl she should be, walking through the aisle of the supermarket, she smirked and thought of which color she should pick. Sighing, she decided to go to a barber instead of doing it herself, it would come out more and besides, she had the credit card of her mother so basically, her mother would pay for it, which was fine for her.

Looking around the mall, she wondered where her mother was for a brief second before she stalked towards the barber and nodded politely at him as he walked over to her, asking if he could help her. She was guided into a chair and Louise smirked, imagining her mother's reaction to what she was about to do.


“Yes mother, you can go home alone, don't worry, I will walk home, yes, what? Of course I'm not skidding off to do drugs, mother what do you think of me? Of course, no, well I might go to Emelie but, what? No of course I'm not going to have unprotected sex, seriously mother, she is pretty but that doesn't mean we're going to have sex and-”

Louise looked at her cellphone and smirked, knowing that she had just angered her mother, she might hear it when she got home but right now, she didn't really care, walking across the street to get to the other side, Louise mouthed the lyrics to the song that was playing on her Ipod at that moment.

Walking past Emelie's house, Louise looked and sighed, seeing that her friend wasn't at home, the cars were gone and the lights were out for once, of course, family dinner, Louise thought shaking her head at her forgetfulness. After all, it was already 7 pm on a Saturday evening, the Armstrong always had family dinner around that time. She sighed sadly and placed her hands in her pockets, skipping a rock out of her path as she walked towards her own house.

“ 'Cuz i cant wait for you to knock me a minute a fuckin minute.” The young girl sang with the high pitched voice, receiving some strange glances by an older man on the other side of the street that was walking his dog. Louise smirked and broke out in a run as it began to rain, normally she'd like the rain but now she really didn't need some.

“Mother! Father, I'm home,” Louise yelled as she quickly entered the house, still keeping her cap on as she skipped up the stairs, her hair was still in the two ponytails but yet, she looked different. Her clothing was still the same, a hooker outfit according to her mother. With her Ipod clutched in her left hand, Louise moved her head with the music and singing out loud with the song.

“I wanna touch your little, your little hip bones, your collar bones and all your other bones and your happy trail, it's my happy trail. Your treasure trail, let's see what goes down!” Lou sang out loud in the hallway, receiving a cross look from the maid who had to hold back a grin as the girl noticed her and smirked, showing her a wink. Louise had always had good relationships with the personnel working at the mansion where she lived and she didn't hide it, which only annoyed her mother and father even more for the reason that she is just too rich to be hanging out with people like them.

“Louise darlin', could you come down for a moment, your father and I need to talk to you about something!”

Louise smirked at her mother's voice and nodded to herself as she looked in the mirror and fixed her make-up before stalking out of her room and walking down the stairs rather ungraceful unlike her mother and father. She smirked to herself and pocketed her Ipod before entering the living room and leaning against the door frame as she raised an eyebrow at her parents facing the fire.

“You called?”

“Yes my dear, we'd love to talk to you about-” her father started before her mother interrupted him and ran over to Louise who smirked and didn't look all to shocked by her mother's next action of touching her now dyed red hair, it wasn't flashy nor dark, it was something in between and just the way Louise liked it.

“My god, what have you done to your hair!” her mother looked shocked at her daughter and then dragged her out of the room towards the bathroom, much to the protest of Louise who tried to get loose from her mother's grip. She managed to escape and ran to her room, closing the door behind her and leaning against it, panting for breath but with a huge grin playing on her lips as she heard her mother's screams down the hall to her father, telling him to go to his daughter's room and to talk with her.

Louise smirked and took a deep breath, satisfied by the reaction she had gotten out of her mother before she fell down on her bed and grabbed her cellphone, dialing Emelie's number. After the third ring, her friend up with a soft 'hello'.

“You won't believe what I just did.”