The Avenged Spirits of an Afterlife

What's A Christ and A Reverend Got To Do With It?

"Mom....I...I can explain..." I choked.

"Explain you're playing tonsil hockey in MY DRIVEWAY?" she fumed.


"NO! I don't wanna hear it..."

She started to walk towards the house when she stopped at my side.

"I thought at least YOU could do better..." she whispered angrily.

She stormed in the house, just as Matt ran out.

" okay?" he asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head, tears coming from my eyes. I just wanted time to myself. I tore away from Matt's hand and started to walk down the street. Zacky started to follow me when Matt stopped him.

"Give her time..."

As I walked down the street, I wiped my eyes and thought about what just happened. I knew mom hated Zacky, but I couldn't understand why. He's so caring and that so hard to understand? My mom's words kept repeating itself in my head, 'I thought at least YOU could do better...' I thought that she was being ridiculous to say that I should be the one with the better significant other. Matt and Val loved each other. Apparently that wasn't good enough for her either. I sat down on the curb and looked up and down the street. A black car was making its way up towards me.

"Hey...what are you doing on the side of the road?" came a voice from the car.

"I got in a fight with my wouldn't know anything about that." I replied looking up.

The window was only opened at the top. As I looked back down towards the ground, I heard the window roll down.

"Well would you like a ride back home?" said a different voice, this time it sounded familiar.

As I looked up, I saw Johnny and Jimmy looking out the window at me. I smiled and stood up as Johnny jumped out from the passengers side and opened the door for me.


"No problem..." he smiled.

"Johnny get in the car!" yelled Jimmy.

As Johnny got in the car, Jimmy drove back to my house and pulled into the driveway. Zacky, Brian, Val and Matt all stood outside talking.

"Hey!" yelled Johnny, rolling down the passenger's window.

All of them turned and looked at him, when Jimmy put the car in park and turned it off.

"We found a Hitchhiker!" smiled Johnny.

I opened the door and got out. They all looked at me worried. Jimmy and Johnny got out as well. Matt came on the other side of the car and hugged me.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah...I'm fine.." I replied.

He smiled when Zacky came over. I looked at him and then down at the ground.

"Alright...I think it's time to go in..." said Jimmy, a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah..let's go guys..." said Brian.

Johnny, Brian and Jimmy walked into the house. Matt looked at me and Val stayed until he moved.

"You sure everything's alright?" Matt asked again.

I nodded as him and Val walked into the house. I tried hard to ignore Zacky's stare and started to walk in. He then followed me into the house, without a word.