Status: Slow active. Will try to update as much as possible.

Too Proud to Breathe

The accident

“Don’t worry, Keyleigh. We’re only going to be a couple of hours and Sarah’s here so you won’t be on your own. Now, honey, our number’s on the fridge and if you need us just call.”

“But mum, I don’t want you too go. You never go to these parties, so please don’t go” I pleaded to my mum whilst holding her in a deathly grip, letting a tear stream down my face. I had a funny feeling about tonight, like something was going to happen that would change everything.

“Now don’t cry Keyleigh, dear. Your 10 years old today, don’t act like a baby. You know me and your mum wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t necessary for your mum’s job with uncle Paul and Aunt Annette. Know what brought this on, sweet-pea?”

I looked up at my dad in bemusement and fear. Dad had never referred to Paul and Annette as aunt and uncle. They were so mean to me all the time and only put up with me because my parents were good childhood friends with them and mum was an important part in their business. Also I didn’t really want to tell my dad about the dream I had of them being in a car accident and dieing, what parent would want to know their daughter dreamt that about them?

“Err, nothing daddy. Just please drive safe, it’s still really heavily snowing out there.” With that I gave my mum and dad a huge hug and kiss on each of their cheeks, before they left. I watched their car pull away from our garage and drive down the street. I sighed and shut the door. Nothing will happen Key, stop working yourself up, I thought to myself before going to the kitchen to ask Sarah if I could have some ice-cream.

Mum and dad had been gone for 4 hours now and I was starting to get worried. They were never gone for longer than 2 hours at a time except for work, and the dream I had last night added to the tension.

I was snapped from my thoughts to someone scream in the kitchen and it sounded an awful lot like Sarah. I rushed to the kitchen to find Sarah on the floor crying her eyes out. I’ve know Sarah since I was born and I had never, ever seen her cry, not even when her husband told her he had been having an affair for 3 years. I bent down to Sarah and held her in my arms, rocking her whilst she cried. I was very understanding for my age and knew how to comfort someone if they needed me.

“Sarah, don’t cry. In the whole time I’ve known you you’ve never cried so why break that now,” I said with a faint smile on my face, looking down at her.

“Keyleigh I-I-I need t-to tell you something really i-i-impo-ort-tant,” she mumbled between sobs. “Th-that was the, the police. Your parents, they, well they were in an awful accident, and they … died instantly. I’m so sorry,” and then she resumed crying.

I was speechless. I stopped rocking Sarah, I stopped thinking and for a moment I also stopped breathing. It felt like my heart was torn into two, like I had been stabbed in the stomach and the blade was being twisted. I couldn’t breath, I was trying my hardest but no air was coming through.