Status: Slow active. Will try to update as much as possible.

Too Proud to Breathe

The second and third side to the story

Taylor's point of view
Confusion, pain, guilt. These were the main three emotions running through my body in home room the morning after the party. The scenes of the night before started playing through my head like a home movie which I wanted to erase but found impossible. A secret, that’s what it was going to be and that’s what it was going to remain, I had decided in my head.

As Keyleigh made her way into home room, guilt filled my bones. Confusion soon followed this feeling. Had she found out about the night before? Is that why she didn’t come and sit with me and instead chose to sit in front of that thing. I didn’t like Michael, and I hated the way that he treated Keyleigh even more. But the way I betrayed her last night was a pretty nasty thing to do, my guilt eating away at me.

"Alright mate. Didn’t know you were here?" A boy called George from my English class shouted to me over the music.

"Yeah, just getting some drinks then I'm going back out into the living room." I said, heading towards the table which all the alcohol is stacked on.

"Cool, mate. Got a girl out there?"

"Yeah you could say that," a small smile on my lips.

I was glad Keyleigh decided to come down from her room and join the party, and dance with me. Yet, I was nervous, my heart beating irregularly fast in my chest. I drank 4 shots of Zambooka before making my way back into the party scene with mine and Keyleigh's drinks in hand.

When I returned to the spot where she once stood, she was nowhere in site. Only Stacey was there in her place. The level of alcohol in my body made the delayed thought that maybe Stacey had something to do with Keyleigh no longer being here not process at that moment, or that Stacey was pulling me away from everyone and to under the stairs. I had spilled the drinks long before I had got to under the stairs.

"What are you doing?" I whispered harshly to Stacey.

"Baby, I know what you were doing with that piece of trash. I know you just wanted me to notice you, and I'm willing to give it another try, sweety."

"Stacey, you're fucking delusional! I don’t like you anymore; all those other times were mistakes."

"But you love me, I fucking know it! You can't like that fucking dinny twat! You've known her for like a day and you already like her!"

"You're wrong! I've always liked her! You were the fucking back up plan! Now I have a chance with her and you come along and try to ruin it!"

"Don’t lie, I know that every time you said 'I love you' to me you meant it."

"I never nor will I ever say 'I love you'", I shouted the 'I love you' earning some looks from others around causing me to momentarily stop talking before lowering my voice again, "to you. Get over it."

Suddenly Stacey's familiar lips were attacked to mine, causing a spark of lust flowing through my body. Memories of all the other times we had kissed and such came into my drunken mind and as soon as I was thrown against the wall, my body started working against my brain. My body following hers to a spare room in the house and to continue what we had started downstairs.

Stacey's point of view
I waited impatiently in the janitor's closet, peering through the little gap to see when Taylor was coming pass. After a few more moments the familiar figure came sauntering past. I hastily threw him into the closet and set my lips on his. He was going to be mine. A passion forever flared in me that only he could satisfy, and the fact that he was Daisy's cousin was a bonus. He would be my ticket into being Daisy first hand girl, her best friend.

Taylor pushed me away from him the moment his brain had processed who I was.

"What's up, baby? You were all up for this last night." I whispered seductively in his ear.

"Fuck off Stacey, I was drunk and you just took advantage of me. Just leave me alone. You know I like Keyleigh so why are you even trying!"

A smirk found its way to my lips. Yes, it was obvious that Taylor didn’t like me like that but I knew he would one day, all I needed was a chance to show him how right I am for him and how wrong it or she is for him. I would do anything to make him mine. Just then a malicious thought popped into my head with which I decided to voice.

"Babe, you know I know everything about you," I whispered, getting closer to his ear and slowly running a finger down his face. "How do you think your lovely Keyleigh will feel if she knows about your secret? The one where…"

His hand shot to my mouth, muffling the rest of the words before they had time to escape. A smirk replaced the empty words I had yet to say. The seed had been planted, now I just had to sit back and watch it blossom.

"You have no right! You know nothing about that, you fucking bitch!" He practically shouted venomously.

"Well you know what I need to keep me quiet. And you are the only person to help me with that." Taylor's face showed he was clearly weighing out his options and as the pained expression surfaced on his face, I knew he was mine. Hook, line and sinker.

Everything was slipping into place; Taylor was mine and there was nothing Keyleigh can do about it. Not that she would try anyway. I knew Elise would pull threw with the video, but I can't believe it worked so well. I just reinforced that Keyleigh would stay away from Taylor from now on.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I said I'd only update once today,
but I was on here anyway and thought 'why not'
hope you like it! (: