Status: Slow active. Will try to update as much as possible.

Too Proud to Breathe

The dinner with Paul and Annette

No-one's point of view
Two weeks had passed and so many things were the same, but so different. Taylor and Stacey were now an 'official' couple as of the last week and a half. Rumours spread around about Taylor and Keyleigh still. Many saying that the reason they had rarely seen Keyleigh over the past few weeks is because she was too embarrassed.

The real reason was because she either spent her time with Tanisha or with Laura. Laura and Keyleigh had quickly become close friends and spent their lunchtimes together in the library, talking everything through and discussing anything and everything. However, when Keyleigh was around anyone else she would stay silent, only talking when she had to.

Michael taunted Keyleigh everyday; a little worse with each passing day that she didn’t retaliate. Words were what made Michael thrived on, words of retaliation with which he could just shut her down with. The excitement and thrill was going out of the whole teasing ceremony. Yet, it was a habit he couldn’t break.

Daisy was also a constant fixture around the house; sometimes bringing Taylor and Stacey and her other friends along with her. This was Daisy's way of getting back at Keyleigh, her own way of hurting her.

Keyleigh's point of view
I smoothed out my dress as I checked my appearance in the mirror. My hair was in loose curls and I had a cute little black dress on. My make-up was simple yet effective; Smokey eyed with a thin layer of lip-gloss on my lips.

I sighed a little before placing on my heels, continuously looking in the mirror to make sure I looked suitable. A knocking on the door brought me out of my fixed stare and I instantly rushed down the stairs to open the door. Paul and Annette's driver was at the door.

"The master would like you and the young sir to make your ways to your limo now." He said before turning and waiting by the limo, just as Michael came rushing towards the door, shirt still not buttoned and quickly shoving his shoes on his feet. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the limo without waiting for him.

I climbed into the car and was soon followed by a still practically half naked man. My eyes naturally drifted to his chest and it was hard to get them to stop looking, stop analysing and studying his chest and abdominals.

"Like what you see?" Michael said with a playful smirk on his face, rubbing his chest a little in a mocking gesture. I just rolled my eyes and turned to face the window. I hated Michael a lot more than usual because of the constant ridiculing which had gotten worse over the last two weeks. Taylor was normally brought into the mocking along with the fact that he was now with Stacey.

"Still not talking, huh? I'm glad, you're whinny voice does my head in. No wonder Taylor didn’t want you," he said. He knew that as soon as he had said the name 'Taylor' he had cracked me just that little bit more, as I flinched away a little.

"Aww did I hit a nerve, Princess? Same really, that no-one wants to know you or ever will. You will only ever have Tanisha, and no-one else. It's sad really." I tried to block out every word he said but it didn’t work. I kept my facial expression passive, nevertheless my brain was absorbing all the words like a sponge, like it had been doing a lot over the last two weeks. Finally the limo pulled up outside a fancy restaurant and I quickly leapt out of the car unladylike and raced towards the door. Michael was heard laughing loudly behind me, jogging to keep up.

"You're late." Was all that Paul said as Michael and I took our seats at the table.

"My, Keyleigh aren’t you getting a little…podgy." Annette said as soon as our orders had been taking, causing Michael to nearly chock on his drink from trying not to let his laugh that was building up escape. It was obvious from the start that Annette didn’t like me, from when mum and dad were still alive. It was hard to try and persuade everyone that they didn’t like me, but now that they were all I had till I was old enough to get away, I decided to grin and bare it. "Maybe you should try join a gym, Hun." A sickeningly sweet smile was taking over the majority of her face; enjoyment obvious from her facial expression.

"Thank you, Keyleigh. I will defiantly join one soon."

The evening went on pretty much like that: Paul staying unnaturally quiet, Annette shooting insults at me whilst Michael snickered along and me trying to ignore all the negative comments.

"So, Keyleigh, what are you planning to do later on in life? You know, you not really having any money until you inherit your parent's money and not having any connections to any top universities?"

"Mother, she's good for nothing. She won't amount to anything," Michael said in a cocky tone. Tears stung my eyes. My mouth aching to open and retaliate.

"I don’t even know why my parents are helping you. I mean, if it wasn't for your family being so close to mine, I'm sure they would have ditched you ages ago," He whispered in my ear, just loud enough for me to hear.

"You know what? I fucking hate you! Just shut up, shut up about my family, shut up about my personal life and shut up about my whole life in general." Finally my brain had collapsed under pressure and my mouth started spewing whatever was on my mind. "My life would be so much simpler without you! I don’t care you who are at school or to other people, to me you are nothing."

"Quiet, children!" Paul's voice boomed over the table, "You two are embarrassing our family! I think its time to tell you finally why we are all here now. We are all going on vacation tomorrow for a week." This instantly shut me and Michael up, both of our attentions now on the two adults at the table. "You two will be sharing a cabin and will only come out for dinner and all the other meals you will need. We are sick and tired of hearing you two argue!"
Both of us were stunned in silence. A constant thought running through my head, why me, why my life?

"You mean…we have are going away tomorrow and you didn’t tell us?! That’s ridiculous! Can't Daisy come as well? At least then I wont have to deal with her relentless babbling."

"NO! She can not! This is to resolve your two's rediculous and childish behaviour. If only you two could have got over your petty arguing then she might have been able to come!"

"This fucking ridiculous!"

"Do not use that vile language, boy! Now quiet down, and eat your meal!"

After the table had been quiet for at least 20 minutes, I excused myself to the bathroom and instantly took out my phone, dialling a very familiar number.

"Hey, Tan. Can you come and sleep tonight?"

"What's up, babe? You sound upset." Tan could read me like an open book sometime times.

"I-I'll explain when you come over tonight, it's kind of a long story."


The car drive home was excruciating silent, Michael and I in our own worlds thinking about the next week that we would have to spend together. You may feel I'm overreacting when I moan and worry about the week that’s coming up, yet I know better.

Once, when Michael and I were about 13 years old Paul and Annette left us alone for an evening (obviously with the maids and cook etc as well). Michael locked me in the cupboard for 4 hours, laughing as he walked away and left me to starve in the cupboard. He even went to bed without letting me out! Luckily the cook needed to get in the cupboard for something and I was released.

This wasn’t the only time it happened either, whenever we were together alone I was ridiculed and tormented till I was a sack of all different emotions. Living together just meant that I had a place to properly hide where he couldn’t enter.

Just as Michael was unlocking the door, Tanisha's father's car pulled up and Tanisha ran towards me, encircling me in a hug.

"Come on, lets go upstairs! I have the ice-cream, movies and popcorn!" With that said, Tanisha shot up my stairs only pausing to push Michael out of the way and roll her eyes at him. It was no secret to Michael that Tanisha hated his guts and vice versa. I wish I could have the balls to be as blunt as Tan.

"So babe, what happened? What did they do? Do I have to castrate anyone? You know, I have been thinking a lot lately about what would be the best way to torture that little poo poo head, and…"

My laugh cut off her babbling. "Poo poo head? That's so funny and weird! And no its not his fault, so keep them sick little fantasizes to yourself. It's just I have to go on holiday with them for a week and Michael and I are being forced into the same room till we're both 'civilized'."

"What…are…they on?! Do they not know their sons crazy? And wants to ruin your life? That child should never have been born, he has been trouble since day one."

"Actually…" I suddenly stopped myself, aware that I was just about to jump in to defend Michael. Where did that come from? "Erm, it doesn’t matter."

"No, tell me. You know you shouldn’t hide secrets from your best friend so spill the beans."

"I-I was just going to say that he wasn’t always nasty to me. We used to get on okay, well till he grew up and became 'popular'. Then he turned horrible. His friends hated me, so it was no surprise when he started to."

"I cant believe this. You used to fancy him!"

"No! where did you get that from?!" I shouted, my cheeks blazing red hot with all the blood that had rushed to my head.

"I knew it! Well like I said. I can read you like a book and the look on your face when you were defending him."

"Well that was a long time ago. I would love it if he were out of my life forever now." I said, crossing my arms over my chest with a determined look on my face. No-one had known about my little crush on Michael back when I was about 11; back then he was nice, caring and friendly. He'd not quite grown into his looks yet that didn’t matter to me. Now everything had changed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm soooo sorry for all the swearing,
but I think, personally, that that would be the main way that Michael would have reacted.
Thankyou too Paper Heart for commenting this story,
I probably wouldn't update as regularly if I didn't know someone wanted to actually read this story (:
and thankyou to everyone else that reads this (:

Happy New Years Eve people (:
Have a good day/night (: