Status: Slow active. Will try to update as much as possible.

Too Proud to Breathe

The car ride

One hour, three minutes and eleven seconds.

One hour, three minutes and twelve seconds.

One hour, three minutes and thirteen seconds.

The seconds seemed to tick by so slowly that it seemed like everything was frozen in time. That is how long I had been sat in the limo with Michael, not daring to utter a word in fear of Michael having an aneurism due to the obvious anger pulsing through his veins.

One hour, three minutes and seventeen seconds.

One hour, three minutes and eighteen seconds.

One hour, three minutes and nineteen seconds.

I took the time to study Michael whilst he stared out of the black tinted window. He had changed so much in the 5 years I had known him. His hair was no longer the light blonde it was, now it was a dark mahogany brown, tussled to get the desired 'bed hair' look. His face was no longer filled with puppy fat but now his cheek bones are defined and well structured. He was still as scrawny as he was, yet with added muscles and extra height. To say that he had grown into a handsome man could be considered an understatement.

It was times like these, when I was just looking at him, I remembered the old Michael. The Michael I knew from all those years ago.

Then I studied myself. It wasn’t hard to see why he was where he was and where I was. Although I was not bad looking, I still wasn’t as eye-catchingly beautiful as the others who attended our school. Not to mention that my lack of social status hindered myself substantially.

One hour, three minutes and forty-nine seconds.

One hour, three minutes and fifty seconds.

One hour, three minutes and fifty-one seconds.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" Michael said in an annoyed tone, his hand waving frantically in front of my face, snapping me from my trance. "Thank god you're done staring at me, it was really starting to freak me out."

"S-sorry," my weak voice came out meekly. I thanked god that it wasn't that bright in the limo, or else Michael would have undoubtedly mocked me due to the blush on my face.

"Yeah…well the driver just said we should be at the villa in about 5 minutes so we should start gathering our things in the limo together."

Great, another 5 more boring, silent minutes, I thought whilst putting my shoes back on. If only I hadn’t have forgotten to charged my iPod or laptop fully.

One hour, seven minutes and thirty-six seconds.

One hour, seven minutes and thirty-seven se…

"We're here, Master, Miss." Those simply four words were enough to bring a smile to my face as both myself and Michael leapt out of the car; Michael heading straight for the villa whilst I trailed behind to help the driver with our luggage.

With a gigantic sigh and the encouraging words replaying in my head on constant repeat, I made my way to the villa.

I needed this holiday, and I'll be damned if I let Mr. Michael McEgo ruin it.
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Soooo sorry I havent updated in a while, I've had alot going on at home so I havent had chance. But I hope you like this short update, but an updates an update I guess. Things are going to get a whole lot more interesting with Michael and Keyleigh being stuck together for a whole week.