Status: Slow active. Will try to update as much as possible.

Too Proud to Breathe

The stranger

I woke up with a start, tears slowly diminishing down my face. I remembered that day as if it occurred just yesterday and not 5 years ago. I climbed out of my bed and moved to my on-suit bathroom. I washed my tears away just in time for Tanisha to come barging into my room, a big smile perched on her face.

Tanisha is my best and only friend. We are almost like sister and are both outcasts at the private school we go to.

As soon as Tanisha saw me, still with blood shot eyes, her smile dropped.

“What’s up doll-face? Is Michael still being a twat-job?”

“No, Tan, I-I had the nightmare about when my parents died again.” She quickly dropped her bags on the floor and rushed over to me, engulfing me in an immensely large hug.

“I’m always here for you doll, remember that, ok?”

“Yeah, I know,” I said to Tanisha, a small smile gathering on my face. “So what were you so happy about anyway?”

“Ok, so Daisy’s start of year house parties next weekend. And, you know how we’ve always wanted to go because it’s notorious for being the best party of the whole year?”

“Hurry up Tanisha, we have to be in school in an hour and a half and I still need to shower and change into my uniform,” I moaned whilst snuggling back up under my covers.

“So, I made a new friend, Taylor Smith, you know him right? Well he’s really nice and he’s like Daisy’s cousin and he said I can come with him and you can come too.” She finally finished, the smile growing into a broad grin. I let out a squeal before leaping on Tanisha.

Then a thought came to me. Michael’s bound to be there, he is after all Daisy’s boyfriend and the most popular boy in the whole school. I blew out the breath I didn't even know I was holding, still with the smile on my face; I really didn’t want to pop Tan’s bubble, after all.

“I’m going in the shower, Tan. Make yourself at home.”

“I always do.” Tan replied, reaching for my CD collection, shuffling through them looking for something to put on. She could play whatever she wanted as loud as she wanted most of the time because Paul and Annette (yes, Paul and Annette. See they took me as their responsibility when my parents died because they had promised to look after me if anything unfortunate happened) had bought a miniature house for me and Michael to share.

They were sick of mine and Michael’s squabbling and truly believed that this arrangement would sort things out. But where Michael refused to say I was his almost adopted sister, at school or to close friends, he would stay out for weeks on end, probably at either his friends house or Daisy’s but I didn’t mind, I detested him with all the fibre in my body and couldn’t stand to be near him.

I walked into the bathroom and slowly slipped off my pyjama clothes and jumped into the warmness of the shower, just as my stereo started blaring ‘All Time Low’s’ Shameless. A soft giggle escaped my lips as the words "You talk like you're famous, you're shameless" escaped the speakers, instantly reminding me of Daisy.

I wrapped a towel around me once I hopped out of the shower and slowly walked into my room, brushing my long brown locks. The brush fell from my hands and hit the floor boards with a thud as I looked at the new, masculine figure standing before me.

"Hello there. I guess you're Keyleigh," he said with a roguish smirk and his hand hovering infront of him.