Status: Slow active. Will try to update as much as possible.

Too Proud to Breathe

The stares

My mouth hung open for, what felt like an hour but was in fact only a few seconds. I was snapped out of my daze by Tanisha releasing a very loud, obnoxious laugh in my directing. I quickly snapped my mouth closed and bent down to retrieve the brush I had just dropped.

"I'm sorry about my retarded friend, Taylor. But it appears that she can not form full sentences and doesn't know how to get dressed," Tanisha said with a full grin after she had stopped laughing. This sentence caused me to blush and slap tanisha softly up-side the head.

"Erm, h-hi," I said nervously, pushing the wet hair that had fallen into my line of sight out of my way and tucking it behind my ear. I headed quickly towards my wardrobe and hastily grabbed the pieces of clothing that made up my school uniform and almost ran towards the bathroom. As soon as the door was closed I heard Tanisha's laugh echoing loudly all around my room and the sound of an unfamiliar laughter coming from Taylor.

After I was dressed and fully composed, I unlocked the bathroom door and stepped back into my room. I immediately casted my eyes to Taylor who looked up as the door opened and smiled a dazzling smile my way.

"Oh by the way, Key, this is Taylor. Taylor this is Keyleigh, my best friend in the whole wide world." Then she suddenly jumped up from her spot on the floor and flung her arms around me, gripping me into a bone crunching hug. "So, lets get this show on the road and head on down to hell."

We all headed out of the door and I hung back a bit as Tanisha and Taylor started talking animately to each other. It's not that I don't like new people, it's just that I don't fair well when meeting new people and interacting with them. It's like my mind instantaneously shuts off and all that comes out are quite replies and small smiles. I released a small sigh in frustration at myself before getting into the back seat of Taylor's car.

"You're quiet today, Key." Tan whispered in my ear as she sat next to me. I didn't want to tell her that it was just because I didn't know Taylor, I felt it was a stupid reason and so I stuck a small smile on my face.

"Oh, it's just I don't really want to go to school, you know?" I said, keeping the small smile still on my lips. Tanisha frowned, obviously seeing through my little lie. She was about to say something but Taylor's car started to slow and parked in the lot. She shot me a 'you-will-tell-me-later' look before opening the door and clambering out.

I followed and was instantly shocked to see most eyes on us. It was weird having all the attention faced on us, something I had always hated. Of course I knew why this was happening and quickly flicked a look towards Taylor, who was already looking at me and giving me a small, almost comforting smile.

The bell soon rang and Tan, Taylor and myself started heading towards the main school building, the glares and confused stares following us all throughout the journey up the stairs and in the building. Tan gripped my hand and gave a comforting squeeze before heading in the opposite directing.

I had never noticed before but Taylor was in my home room. Just as I thought I would be abandoned and Taylor would head towards the other end of the room, the side where all the 'popular people' were situated, he sat himself next to me. He giving me a huge grin and wink before turning to the front as Mrs. Jameson entered the room. I quickly cast my eyes towards 'the populars' to see Daisy seething with anger, and Michael with a perplexed expression on his face.
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There's the next update.
I should be updating more lately, GCSE's have been taking up alot of my time.