Status: Slow active. Will try to update as much as possible.

Too Proud to Breathe

The threat

The tension in homeroom that morning was so thick it could be cut with a knife. The only sounds audible were Mrs Jameson calling peoples names out, the variations of "here's" being mumbled throughout the room and the quite humming of whispering buzzing around the room.

I shifted nervously as I heard the mumbles and felt the ice cold glare of Daisy piercing through my back. Nevertheless Taylor seemed to keep catching my eye, placing an encouraging smile on his face and holding my hand gently under the table, out of eye sight, and easing my uncomfortableness.

I hated the thought that someone who had only known me for merely under 2 hours could calm me so easily. A feeling of terror ran through my veins. No-one had been this close to me since the accident, other than Tan. No-one seemed to care about my feelings, other than Tan. No-one made the effort to comfort me, other than Tan. The feeling of knowing that someone else wondered about my thoughts and feelings were the thoughts that made the terror flow through me. However the feeling of delight was more prominent.

After 20 tantalizing minutes, the bell signalling the end of homeroom rang and I instantaneously sprung out of my seat, gathered all my things together in my bag and exited the awkwardness that room now held as quick as I could.

However before I reached my locker a hand was placed on my shoulder and spun me around to face them. I was suddenly face to face with the eyes that had become to be familiar with in my mind.

"Hey, Taylor," I mumbled out, diverting my eyes to the floor out of pure timidity. Two of Taylor's fingers found there was gently to my chin, raising it so that my eyes were yet again gazing into his dazzling ones.

"Hello there," he said smiling, but not removing his fingers from my chin. "I was just wondering, if, maybe, I could sit with you and Tan at lunch. But if you don't want me to then I won't. I understand if you don't. You have only known me for a few hours after all."

I interrupted him in his rant with a little giggle before saying, "Of course you can, Taylor. You're one of us now."

"Erm…" he seemed to be contemplating something else in his head, but just shook it and removed his fingers from my chin. "I'll see you at lunch then." With that he headed in the opposite direction to me, towards his class, as I headed towards gym.

What I didn't see was the glares that both Michael and Daisy were sending in my direction, after witnessing the whole encounter. A rage boiled through Daisy's blood.

"Oi, Hanner!" I heard someone shout when I was in the changing rooms. I glanced around to see if I could identify who had just shouted my last name. I didn't have to look far before I saw Daisy stomp towards me, an infuriated glower placed on her face.

A small group gathered around me and Daisy as soon as she reached her spot right in front of me. I knew I was 'in for it' now.

"I want to clear something up. Stay the fuck away from my cousin!" She shouted, stepping closer and closer to me, getting into my face. "I don't want him hanging around with a cheap whore like you. I swear if I even see you looking at him, I will make your life a living hell, you fucking slut!"

I didn’t even have time to blink before she turnt around swiftly and headed towards the door that lead directly to the gym. Everyone else followed briskly, jeering stuff towards me as they left. I let out a huge breath as I slid down the wall I was resting my shaking body against. A tear fell down my cheek, and one after one the tears carried on flowing. After a few minutes, I slowly stood up and straightened up my gym tshirt.

This kind of thing happened to me almost daily, nothing out of the ordinary. Welcome to my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel so dumb at this moment.
This is the third time I have wrote this chapter and my pc kept messing up, and loosing it all.
It wasn't till my brother told me to try writing it in word first that I actually did that.
Anyway, here's another chapter for you guys.