I Can't Say That I Blame You But You Can't Blame Me

You Know That It's Inevitable

"So, since I seem to be the only one currently thinking about this, what are Brendon, Spencer and Brent going to do about school if the band gets signed?" Audrina asked as everyone was deciding what they wanted to eat.

"Well, I suppose we'd have to wait until they graduate. When is that going to be? Pete responded. "And when does everyone turn 18?"

"Well," started Brendon. "I have the option to graduate early, but otherwise, graduation isn't until June. I turn 18 next month. Spencer turns 18 in September."

Pete nodded in response. "Well, I guess we'll just have to figure that all out if I decide I want to sign you guys."

"Drina, what are you getting?" Riley asked, looking over the menu.

Audrina shrugged. "I'm not sure I'm even hungry."

"Well, that helps me none. Ryan, what are you getting? I'm not sure what I want," she pouted.

Audrina looked down at her lap as Ryan looked at her with a slight disappointment.

"Audrina, will you at least get an appetizer or something? Just to make Ryan feel a little better," Brendon whispered.

He didn't want to say anything that Pete would hear and ask about.

She sighed. "I suppose. I'm reallky not that hungry though."

"Well, no one's going to make you eat all of it, but I'm sure it would make Ryan feel a little more comfortable. You know he's just trying to watch out for you."

"So, Pete. When are we meeting to play some of our stuff for you?" Ryan asked.

"Well, would tomorrow work for you guys?"

"Um...it should. Let me call Brent and Spencer just to make sure."

"Can you wait till after we order at least? Here comes the waitress," Riley pointed out.

Ryan nodded and everyone gave their orders to the waitress. As soon as she was gone, Ryan took out his phone and headed outside to call the other two members of Panic! At The Disco.

"So, Riley. How long have you and Ryan been together?" Pete asked.

Riley shrugged. "Not very long, really. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. Just seemed like a way to not fall into an awkward silence," he said with a laugh.

Audrina rolled her eyes and rested her head on Brendon's shoulder.

"You tired?" Brendon asked quietly as he ran a hand through her hair.

She shook her head. "No, not really. Just bored."

"Hey, Riley. I have a question," Pete said as he watched Audrina and Brendon with curiousity.


"Are Audrina and Brendon dating?"

"Not really. It's kinda complicated and confusing. Why do you ask?"

Pete shrugged. "Just wondering."

He continued to watch Audrina and Brendon as they had a whispered conversation with each other. There was something about them that fascinated him.

"Well," Ryan started as he walked up to the table. "I talked to Spencer and he says tomorrow works just fine. I couldn't get a hold of Brent, so Spencer is going to pick him up tomorrow to make sure he's at practice and on time."

"All right. Tomorrow it is. Two o' clock work for everyone?" asked Pete.

A course of "yeah" filled the table.

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Holy cow, I can't believe I finally updated this!!
Hope you like it, sorry for the wait