I'll Be Your Wings

Wings of Time

Uriel's POV

"His wings are singed. Uh... cauterized." I say. "Not healed though." Raphael is in the bed of Gabriel's home. My safe haven/apartment was too small for 3 people.
"Damion must have done that. To stop the bleeding" Gabriel says not looking up from a book.
"What are you reading?" I ask.
"stuff" He replies. "On wings"
I raise my eyebrow and snatch the book from him. It's about birds. "Birds? Really? They're just rats with feathers"
Gabriel stands and walks out the door into the rain. "Gabe?" I ask and follow. "What's wrong?"
"I couldn't do anything." He sighs, not looking at me. "I couldn't break the trap, I could help him at all. It's my fault"
I stare sadly. Gabriel used to be pretty laid back but there's not a glimpse of the old Gabe at all. "It's not your fault, M is...was...he's clever, ruthless and cruel. You didn't know"
Gabriel looked out into the rain, the deck covered us pretty well but a few drop landed on him and he stepped back into the house. "I need to find his grace. That will bring his wings back."
"How can you be so sure?" I ask.
"It has to" Gabriel says and vanishes.
I hear Jackie whimper and go back to Raphael. He's sitting up now; Jackie jumps onto his lap and he pets her slowly.
"How you feeling?" I ask
He simply looks up at me and then back down at the dog. I guess I wouldn't want to talk much if I were him, either. I felt so bad for him.
Gabriel's POV

I scowl at the thought of Raphael being tortured like that. It wasn't fair, why'd it have to be him? M could have done the same thing to me. Why'd he wait for Raph? What about Damion? What happened to him? Why'd he help my brother when Raph was trying to kill him? What happened to my brother's Grace? I had to find it and there's only one way to get the info; summoning a demon.
I have everything, even a photo of my vessel, which was actually really hard to find. I've already buried the box now I just wait.
"An angel has summoned me? Oh I feel honored." I turn to see a red eyed demon strolling towards me. "You come to kill me?"
"Later, yeah" I smile. "I need answers first"
"Grant me life and I might considered it"
"Fine" I say. "You have my word."
The demon seemed surprised. "Ok. What's to ask"
"An angel's grace. M took it."
"M?" The demon wrinkled it's nose. "That jerk wouldn't know what to do with grace if it landed on him. He's all act and no brain. He's probably taking it to dear old daddy as a gift. There's nothing you can do"
I grab the demon and hold it against a wall by the throat. "Then where's Lucifer?" I ask.
The demon gulps. "Ya... ya know. Knowing M.... he'd uh... he doesn't know anything ya know?" It shook with fear. "So he probably tossed it somewhere or... or.... shredded it or something so you can't find it. M is.... he's still out here, I can give you something to find him with"
"Thanks" I say and toss the demon aside. "I can find him on my own" I walk past and the demon cowers with hands above head. He seems shocked that I let him go. I could care less about him though, I need to find Raphael's grace.
Damion's POV

I stand where Raphael was. The pain he suffered echos in the building; it was eerie and chills run up and down my body. The angel's wings are still there; Raphael's blood stains the deep blue and white; feathers are everywhere. It makes me sick to think about what that demon did. What did Gabe call him? M? I guess it's better than Marth Marth. I snort at the ridiculous name. I turn to see the hole where Gabriel fell. It's still there too; so is the burnt circle in the wood. Drifting off, I forgot what I came here for but I look back at the wings and I immediately remember. I came here to give the wings back Raph. I'm afraid to touch them though, I've never seen wings that were't attached to anything, especially an angel's wings. What if they just... dissolve when I try to pick them up. Since I'm half demon, would they disappear if I try or... or what? I walk forward and pick up a feather as a test. It's broken and bent but it doesn't dissolve or disappear, which makes me glad. I focus hard on it and wish that it wasn't broken. To my surprise the feather straightens. It's like it was never bend to begin with. I stand and look at the wings again. If I wish that they weren't broken and torn.... would they heal?