Last Man

Last Man

The last man in the world sat alone in the room when there was a knock at the door. At first the man was confused, but then the panic set in. Nobody else was alive. He was the last person left which meant it wasn't possible for there to be a knock.

There was another knock and the man wasn't sure what he should do. Should he answer it? Who or whatever was on the other side of the door couldn't possibly be human. He could ignore it, but was that a wise decision?

The knocking got louder as the man tried to figure out what to do. For all he knew, Death could be on the other side of the door just waiting to take him. Even though he was the last man, he wasn't ready to die.

The knocking turned into pounding and the man's heart was pounding in his chest just as hard. He couldn't open the door. Evil was lurking on the other side. That much he knew.

The man began to silently pray to the God that may or may not exist. Why would God leave him here by himself? Would God save him from the evil on the other side of the door? He could only hope so.

The pounding was so hard now that the door was close to giving in at any moment. The man had adrenaline pumping through his veins as he searched for a place to hide. As he glanced around the nearly empty room his eyes fell on the boarded up window. He ran over to it and began pulling the boards off with his bare hands getting splinters in the process. The last board was removed just as the door busted open.

The man began turning ghostly pale as he watched the darkness take over the room in the little reflection of the dirty window panes. His heart was racing as he banged his fists against the window, but there was no point. The window had a padlock on the outside that was keeping him caged in like an animal.

He slowly turned around to face his death. His crystal blue eyes slowly began changing into black as the darkness consumed the room. The floor beneath him shook as he began coughing up blood. The room in front of him began falling apart and crumbling down to the deepest depths of hell. All he could do is watch. He watched as it got closer and closer to him. His eyes were wide as the last remaining part of the room collapsed beneath him and he fell into complete darkness.