Status: Active, but slow updates

Hidden Bundle of Joy.

chapter 15

Ashton comes home today. The time he was in Europe actually surprisingly flew by. Considering i was getting Braxton Hicks more regularly and just feeling uncomfortable all the time and not really being able to do anything, the time went quickly. It's about 7:30pm and Ashtons plane should have landed about 20 minutes ago but i haven't heard anything from him yet. the last i heard from him was when they were waiting for their connecting flight in Hong Kong. Anne had gone to pick him up from the Airport and i think if he was up for it to get something to eat, she asked if i wanted to go but i declined and said if they go somewhere just to bring me back food.
I took to twitter to see if anyone knew if the boys had landed
@OliviaJess, help a girl out, anyone at Sydney airport know if the boys have landed?
i sat waiting, a load of tweets just telling me to shut up and to fuck off and crap like that until I saw a girl post a picture of her and Luke saying "JUST MET MY HUSBAND AT THE AIRPORT"
@michael5sos @oliviaJess We've Landed pumpkin, Ashs phone is dead though.
@OliviaJess @michael5sos Thanks Cliffy. Love you, miss you.
@Michael5sos @oliviaJess. how do you feel about us boys coming over tonight
@OliviaJess @Michael5sos YES COME
@Michael5sos @oliviaJess don't tell Ashton okay, he's going to hate us for coming
@OliviaJess @Michael5sos i wont x
I got a text shortly after from Anne saying that they are on their way here and that Ashton didn't want to stop for food. I replied saying i would make some Pasta for us, yes i know pasta again, but it's easy to make, it's his favourite, its my favourite, its easy to make, it makes sense okay dont judge me.
It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to get from the airport to here depending on traffic but seeing as it's nearly 8 it shouldn't be too bad. I got everything out in the kitchen to make the pasta boiled the water and started on the sauce. It took about 12 minutes for the pasta to cook and the same amount of time for me to make the sauce. i let the sauce and pasta simmer on to keep it warm while i waited for him to come home. I didn't want to dish it up and it get cold waiting for him so letting it simmer was the best i could do because i am a keen bean and starting making it 40 minutes before he would even be home.

It was about another 15 minutes before i heard the front door open and a bag being dropped onto the floor.
i got up off the couch and went to greet him at the door
"I missed you so much" i said as i turned the corner into the foyer.
"oh, it's you" i said as i saw Michael standing there
"Nice to see you too Liv" he said
"how did you get in"
"well you didn't lock your door, is Ashton not here yet"
"no he's not"
"Oh he said he was coming straight here, maybe they stopped off to see Lauren and Harry"
"So why didn't you go to your house" i asked
"No one was in, so i thought i would come by earlier, didn't you miss me"
"yeah i was just expecting Ashton before you"
just as i said that the front door opened and Ashton walked in with Anne.
"Princess" he said not even noticing Michael
"Ashy, i missed you" i said hugging him tightly, well as tightly as my pregnant belly let me
"i missed you too" he said kissing my forehead
"Hi Anne" i said from Ashtons shoulder
"hi Olivia, nice to see you, Ash i will leave your bag here" she said dropping his bag next to Michaels
"Thanks mum, bye"
"Oh you not staying for dinner" i asked
"No, Lauren and Harry have made me something apparently they felt like experimenting"
"Oh dear well have fun with that, thanks for bringing him home"
"anytime and please come over soon"
"we wil, love you bye"
"by mum"
Anne left and Ashton finally noticed Micahel
"what the fuck are you doing here" he said
"well no one was at mine, so i thought to pay Liv a visit"
"yeah and if you werent an idiot and let your phone die you would have seen the convo on twitter"
"but anyway, since Anne isn't staying you want some Pasta Mikey"
"hell yeah"
i went to the kitchen and dished up the food while Michael set the table and Ashton did some drinks.
We met at the table and ate
"So how was Europe"
"good, it's so weird some days we were in 2 or 3 different countries a day, so many different cultures and everything"Ashton said
"I wish i could have been there"
"you would have hated it Liv, being stuck in a bus" Michael said
"i've done that plenty of times"
"i know, i was just trying to make you feel better"
"well shut it"
"So how long are you staying" Ashton asked Michael
"not long, Liv the others couldn't come so i wont stay long"
"oh i was looking forward to seeing my lukey" i pouted
"it's seriously is like you like him more than me babe, i see where the fans are coming from" Ashton said jokingly
i glared at him
"i'm joking, i'm joking dont kill me"
"he's like my brother"
"i know babe"
"then why would you say that"
"wrong choice of words, i take it back"
"yeah you should"
Michael just sat there as Ashton and i bickered on.
"so it was nice seeing you Liv but i'm going to go see if my parents are home now" Michael said as we took our plates to the kitchen.
"thanks for coming to see me, next time you do, you'll be meeting baby Irwin"
"i'm so excited to meet her"
"me too"
we walked to the door as Ashton started washing the plates
"have fun in America Cliffy"
"thanks Liv, it's going to be weird without Ashton but we will manage"
"Love you"
"love you too" we hugged and he left
i went back into the kitchen to see Ash had just finished washing up
"thank god he is gone" he said
"hay he's my friend"
"yeah but i wanted to see you when i got home, not him, i was just with him"
"well here i am"
he pulled me closer to me and planted a kiss on my lips and then rested his forehead on mine
"i missed you so much, it's unreal how much i missed you"
"i missed you too" i replied
we went and snuggled up on the couch, he wrapped his arm around me and drew light circles on my belly
"hey in like 2 weeks she will be here" he said
"i know isn't it crazy, it feels like yesterday i found out and was shitting myself about telling you"
"i'm so sorry you had to go through most of it on your own"
"it's okay babe, it's not like you planned it, heck we didn't even plan to have her in the first place"
"i know i just feel so bad"
"so what is your plan for the release tomorrow" i said changing the subject
"we have sunrise in the morning at i believe 8:30 we are on, then we have a bunch of press during the day and then the release party in the evening"
"so what time are you leaving in the morning"
"probably around 6, don't worry i wont wake you up"
"no wake me"
"i can't promise you that"
he yawned and i looked up at him
"come on lets go to bed, you've just done 24 hours of traveling and have to be awake and stupid o'clock"
we got up and headed into our bedroom, Ashton just stripped down to his boxers and i was already in leggins and a top so i crawled into bed and he crawled in next to me. i missed having him next to me, some people are probably like yes my other half is gone for a while a massive bed to myself but no i'm the complete opposite, i like having little space, i like having him pressed up against me, maybe it's from all the times we slept in a bus bunk that i'm just so use to him being right there that when hes gone, it just doesnt feel right.
"love you princess" he mumbled into my hair
"love you too" we fell as asleep shortly after

i heard his alarm go off at 5. i pretended to still be asleep while he showered, ate and got changed, just to see if he would actually wake me. I peaked and saw him head to the bedroom door
"excuse me, i told you to wake me" he jumped a little at my voice
"i also said i wouldn't promise i would"
"well i've been up since 5, so hello"
he came over to me and kissed my forehead
"have a good day today, i'm so proud of you and the boys, i wish i could be there tonight"
"i know babe, i wish you were too but me, you, Ayla and the boys will have our own celebrations later"
"tell the boys i'm proud of them too"
"i will" he kissed me and left as the car that was picking him up was outside. i went back to sleep until i felt someone jump on the bed
"Wake up sissy, they will be on in 20"
"shut up Maui, i was up at 5"
"yeah well so was Ashton but he's not sleeping"
"i can tell you he probably is taking a nap"
she pulled the cover off me and gasped
"oh my god" she shouted
"what" i sat up
"you're, you're bleeding" she screamed
"what no" i looked down and sure enough there was blood
"oh my god get me my phone"
she gave me my phone from the table and i quickly dialed Julie
"hi, Julie um i'm bleeding" i said panicking into the phone
she started talking and pretty much told me to get to the hospital.
"Maui i need to go to the hospital quick"
"okay dad is in the living room"
i got up and changed out of my bloody leggins and put new ones on before going out to the living room where Maui was shouting at my dad about what was going on
we got into my dads car and headed to the hospital
"someone needs to call Ashton" Maui said
"no, no don't call him, don't ruin his release day lets see what the doctors say before calling him okay"
it was about a 20 minute drive to the hospital
we parked and went in Julie had called ahead and said i would be coming in so i told the women at the desk my name and they took me into a room. I was seen my a doctor quickly i didn't even catch his name when he came in, they did some scans of my belly and found out that i have placenta praevia which is causing the bleeding and that it is advised that i have a c-section in the next 70 minutes
"someone call Ashton, he needs to be here" i said
"I will do it" maui said
dad turned the TV on in my room on and it was on Sunrise and the boys were on.
"he wont pick up" Maui said
"thats because hes on sunrise, call john"
i gave her my phone with Johns number and she went to call him. I was getting blood drawn and other test down for preparation for the c- section.
I looked up on the TV and Saw that John was whispering something into Ashtons ear as the interview went on. Maui came in and said that john is going to get Ashton here as soon as possible.
I can't believe this is happening, not today, not Ashton and the boys day.