‹ Prequel: A Piece of Art
Sequel: Her Tongue
Status: Drabble | Finished | Complete


Inside the Mirror

Mirrors never lie. That’s my mantra as I stare into my mother’s old mirror where I used to see my reflection; a carrot, caramel colored head with dark brown eyes, and my mother’s blue flower clip to the right side of my head.

I cannot see my face. I cannot see anything except the stitches that cover my arms and neck, and the black stitches on my cheeks. Mother said that mirrors never lie, but I see the sides of the stiches dancing in the wind that doesn’t exist in my room. I see my face breaking like a glass, and it seems like an old map filled with dust, and I am afraid; afraid of forgetting how I look like.

I scream, trying with my screams to wake up from a dream I am not having, and I repeat on my mind the same thing; mirrors never lie.

I grab the mirror and yell at it, as if it would change what it showed - as if my life depended on it. My parents are dead, my siblings are dead and no one can help me escape the nightmare I live in anymore. No sweet words reach my ears to help me sleep at night and I cry to no end.

I close my eyes for a brief moment in desperation and I wake up. I’m a few feet away from the mirror and when I walk towards it, I touch it. I feel shocked at what I see. I can see my room, my bed, and my favorite teddy bear.

I scream again, hard enough as if I can break the mirror. The mirror breaks even though it's not possible to happen, and then I realize, I am inside the mirror and mirrors never lie.