Status: You are more then welcome to change my character's name to your name if you would like to.Also,if you want to leave feedback you can.


Ink Master Story(Chapter 1)

Brittany has been a tattoo artist for 6 years now.She watches Ink Master and longs to be on the show.She got her wish by one phone call.It was Dave Navarro calling to tell her she was chosen for Ink Master.Brittany gladly accepted and was excited her wish was finally coming true.

A week later,Brittany arrived to where Ink Master was (I'm not sure where the show is filmed so,I will use Las Vegas.) in Las Vegas.Brittany walked into the building and saw 17 other people.But,someone got her full attention,CleenRockOne.Brittany wasn't exactly looking for a boyfriend but,she thought he was good looking.She stood next to Cleen as they waited for the judges.

Dave walked in with Oliver and Chris."Hello,i'm Dave,this is Oliver and Chris.We will be your judges and the winner will win $100,000.Let's get started.You will go up against your rival and see what you guys are capable of.

The thing is,your tattoo must be black and white."Dave said."You have 6 hours to draw and do the tattoo."Oliver said.The canvass' went to the tattooers."Your time!"Dave said.Brittany's canvas wanted a motorcycle on his calf.

Brittany got to work and so did the other tattooers.Brittany's rival is Julia so,that's who she's up against.The 6 hours ended."Time's up,put your machines down."Dave said.The tattooers went to go get judged.

All the tattooers got their tattoos judged.Then,it was down to Brittany and Julia.Julia was up first."Julia,from a distance the tattoo is great but,there's a lot of hiccups throughout the tattoo."Chris said.Brittany then got judged.

"This tattoo is great.You got a lot of details and,there's only one line that isn't straight.So,overall great tattoo."Oliver said.Brittany smiled.The judges then voted.

"Brittany you are the winner of the head-to-head challenge."Dave said.The tattooers went to the back area.Brittany sat down next to Cleen."My tattoo was the best of all."Emily said."I disagree with that."Josh said.

Brittany just sat back and listened.Cleen was,sitting by Brittany,checking her out.His purpose of being here was,to do tattoos and win.But,he thought Brittany was,a good looking chick.Oliver then came in.

"The judges want to see,Julia,Javyo,and Tim.See you and your rivals downstairs."Oliver said.They all went downstairs.After,it was finished,Julia and Tim returned.So,Javyo was eliminated.
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If you don't want to use the name Brittany for yourselves then feel free to replace Brittany with your name.Also,if you like me to use a blank instead of just Brittany,please let me know in the comments.