what's behind you?

Three knocks in the bathroom closet.

It was the 29th day of October today. The most favorite of all months, not only beacues of Halloween. Which is my most favored holiday. Weather changes were so breathtaking. Colors of yellow merging with the oranges and reds. Smells of fresh fallen leaves, crunching sounds as u walk through them. The chill days showing summers pass. Wear a coat is what my mother always said.

I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? You must excuse my rudeness. Ashely is my name, sixteen and living in knockxville, Maryland. My house was always over done in decerations, to spiders and bats bought at Wal-Mart. Lights hanging all on the roof and porch. Spider webs to add scare in who ever is unfortunate enough to be trick or treating. We even had skeletons and ghouls on our porch. Compared to are neighbor's houses. We stood out and I liked it.

My dad was pulling up in his rundown black Toyota pick up truck. Year of 1989 and it ran smoothly despite it's age or condition. Dad calling out to me. Running off my porch down the driveway. He had a bunch of large boxes in the back. Looking at him giving a expression of excitement. Winking back to answer my curiosity. I picked up one weighting of a baby hippo. Going in through the doorway as if D-day was declared. Setting the box in the kitchen avoiding crashing in the banister again. Yes I am your classic clumsy act, what more can I say?

After we got them all in the house, we saw mom making dinner. Smells of hot fresh bbqu'ed roast pork. With sides of green beans, home made mash potates melted fuison with butter. Makeing my belly clawing making grand cannon noises. "Well that sounds to me like dinner." As my dad chuckles. We sat at the table and said prayers. My family was wiccan so it was very different at our table. Mom was 5'4",skinny formed with beautiful features. Having red hair that shined in the light, acting like a lighthouse telling the way for sailors. She was your innocent white witch. My dad on the other hand was six foot even. Strong martial arts body, very strong features. Bold as they come just put turtle wax on there it would shine for days.

The meal was so bomb really hitting the spot. Dad turning to me "Well are you ready to put the final touches around the house?" Grining, always seeing him excited nearing Halloween. So does my mother, no wander why I get the same feeling. Unwrapping the boxes was so fun with the family. There were statues that moved on motion senser. Fake blood packets for the final touches. Glasses for the small party we will be hosting. Lastly was an old creepy witch that was life sized. "Where is that going?" Asking a little nervously. Mom looks at dad and then back to me. " It's our little prank for the guests. So the bathroom naturally." With a wide smile. Thinking sure it would be fun but still gives me the creeps.

It was nearing bedtime after putting up all the final touches. The house looked amazing, it looked more frightening when night fell. Finishing up a movie called the conjuring before my shower. I went up the stairs in to my room to get what I needed to inquire my lovely shower. I went into the bathroom turning on the lights. Nearly jumping a foot back. Seeing that witch scared me, with its creepy life like features. Inoring it looking in the mirror I looked so tired from a long day at school.

Taking off my shirt, sliding down my pants off after unbottoning them. My socks were pink and matched my bra and panties. As showing breast cancer awareness. Quickly unhooking my bra and shaking out of my panties. Seeing the steam finally starting up telling me it's ready. Getting in to the sana like environment feeling the warmth rejuvenate my body. Water drops trickling all down my naked body, soothing sensation shooting every where. Then something seemed off, it was quite and not the ordinary kind. Washing my hair I saw a shadow moving out the corner of my eye. I immediately pulled back the curtain and asked if someone was in here. Sometimes my mom comes in to use the bathroom. But that's all no one else. So very strange to find no one there. Just that witch. Creepy with a capital c.

I now was done and dried off brushing my teeth. As I watch my self in the mirror, it felt like she was watching at me with those beety little red eyes. Swearing that it was positioned differently then before. I rinse my mouth. The overhead light started to flicker. Very unusual for this house. Then I saw her move twitchy like as the light flickered. Then it stoped just like that, I was freaked out. Making a mad dash to my room shutting the door hard. My dad came in and asked I'd everything was okay. I tolded him what I just saw and said I might just be tired. He gave me a look before leaving my room.

It was three am when I woke up to a knocking sound in the house. I thought it was from my bedroom door. Then I listen more closely. It sounded distanced down the hallway. I opened my door, to peek out there. It seemed a little less muffled this time. One knock followed by two more. In a continuing loop, my heart racing. I was only wearing a t-shirt on. That's how I preferred to sleep. Walking down the hall past my parents room. Heading to the bathroom to check out the noise. Louder it became as I moved closer in. Feeling like a old horror film, not wanting to encounter the monster. I was at the door oddly it was shut with the lights off. Which none of us ever did at night. I went to grab the doorknob it was ice cold.

Hearing the knocks clearly now, not wanting to open the door. I sucked it up and told myself nothing is there. Quicky forcing the door open. Hearing it's creeks of resistance while opening. Sudenly the knocks stoped altogether, nothing more then the witch sitting there looking off in the mirror. Tring to find what could have made the knocks. But nothing out of the usual, even inspecting that witch. After being at a loss I went back to bed.

Finally halloween was here, it was on a Saturday this year. Which meant no school so I could spend time getting ready for tonights party. All of us were excited for every one to come. Being afternoon already everything was done after lunch. My coustume was a fairy, dad said it might be to revealing but I didn't care. It showed a bit of cleavage and my thighs. But the wings are what really sold it. They were a beautiful blue dust with white highlights to make them stand out. Not as anything would happen tonight with any boys. There was one named Austin who was the club leader of the paranormal research.

People started to show up around eight. Some trick or treaters came and went scared, which made me giggle slightly. Our friends from the other side of town. Had also showed up which was a delightful surprise, we haven't seen them for a while. Most of the guests showed up around eight thirty. Austin was one of the last ones to show up but I am glad he did. He was wearing a dark mysterious costume which looked like Dr.Frankenstein. It was very attractive and made me blush to just look at him.

The party was fun finally seeing everyone again. We got a lot of people with the witch gag. They all said it scared them at first. Especally when it started to move as they walked by. The odd part was that I didn't even realize it could move. Even though I swore it did a few nights ago. My dad told them that is wasn't electronic it was just a regular life sized statue that he got at the flea market. They looked at him weird as if he was joking. But he was serious I knew that look all to well. Which made me scared for what I was feeling and saw that night.

It was nearing ten o clock. There were about fifteen guests all mingling. I got Austin's attention with my coustume. It made me look really sexy he told me. In return made me blush, and hide my face because it was beat pepper red. Laughing as we both were in the kitchen. Drinking our raspberry punch, not the best tasting but still better then the orange. My dad came in "well looks like you two kids are getting along very well." With a big smirk on his face. Mom came in after him pulling in his ear "Remember dear we once were like that." As she giggles. My dad trying to pull out of her grip. We all started to laugh. They really were the perfect match. They dressed up as their respected wiccan paths. So mom was waring white and dad had on gray. They looked really cool together. "Alright who is ready for hide and go scare?" Dad saying excitedly. It was like hide go seek just instead of just finding the people you would also scare the shit out of them.which was really funny. We all had glow sticks so we could see where we were going. It was so dark you couldn't see you're hands in front of you.

Dad got selected to go first and we all had to hide around the house in the pitch black house. Where the shadows looked like they were moving. It differently added that creepy feeling. After five minutes dad had scared everyone except for me and austin. He was saving that for last I suspected, he knew we needed alone time. We kissed after awhile and he asked me out I told him yes of course. It made me so excited. To finally have had him ask me out, I was waiting all year for this moment. Suddenly the closet opens up and a huge roar came from dad scaring me, I let out a scream that made Austin jump back. We played five rounds but the sixth round was when things started to get wired.

It was my turn to find and scare. But not having light was a little difficult to do. Bumping in to stuff even though it was my own house it felt uneasy in the dark. The time went slowly looking in all the corners in the house. All the shadows were watching me waiting to grasp me. Cold sensation went down my spine when I heard the knocks again. I found Emily right after the knocks. Asked if she had heard the knocks as well. She told me yeah, she thought it was one of the others trying to play a trick on me. That could be it but sounded like it was in the bathroom. I found the other two down stairs, Ann and her husband Daryl.

I started my ascension up the creaky stairs. Slowly to take caution from whatever might be there. I searched the closet no one was there. Knocks came again after getting in my room. I found dad and jumped out at him. Making him jump with a little chuckle. I then was wondering if he knew who was making the knocking noises. He didn't know and I had to figure it out while finding the others. I looked in my patents room and only found mom. She fell asleep I didn't want to scare her. I was hearing the knocks every second it seemed like. The only place to look was the bathroom. I didn't want to go in there. I was hearing the knocks while opening the door. It then stoped. I quickly searched the room. I found Austin in the shower. I smiled and hugged him. Wanting to know if he was making the knocks. He told me that he thought that someone else was in there with him.

Then the sound of someone's voice was coming from the closet. I opened it saying "You got Me Mel." Just to not to see anyone in there, I was a little scared austin came over. I closed the door and started to walk away out towards the door. Then the knocks were hard at the closet. "Austin there is no one in there. We just checked." He opened the door and turned in the light. Nothing was in there. We were both freaking out. Heading for the door it suddenly closed with a slam. I couldn't open it neither could Austin. The knocks started again. Then I noticed the witch statue was not there. Telling him was it there when he came in. "Yeah it was almost scared me tripping over it." My eyes went big and I quickly turn the light switch on. But it didn't come on. The knocks were intense now. Then stoped, I opened the door and saw a shadow in the back. I turned to Austin, he was not anywhere in the room. Did he get the door open and walked out. I But it was still closed. I looked back towards the shadow calling out who was there.

A shuffling noise is all I heard, It was moving towards me. I backed away but found myself frozen in place. I couldn't even close the closet door. A voice I could hear behind me whispering she is going to get you. It was Mel's voice, still telling me to watch out. She got her while hiding in the closet And Austin. The smell of blood came to my nose. I wanted to get away instantly. The room felt different I looked around noticing all the blood on the walls and floor. A little in the closet came on revealing Mel's and Austin's body torn apart. I dropped to my knees in disbelief. My friends were dead. Their eyes looking in horror. "What the fuck is going on?" I screamed out.

The corner of my eye caught a movement in the distraction of the shower. It was the witch crawling out with nails longer then seven inches. I panicked getting to my feet rushing for the door. It opened after raming into it. Rushing down stairs passing all the rooms. The smell of death everywhere. I looked back she was running after me. I flew down like a swift bird. I was in the kitchen heading for the back door. At the time I didn't notice all the body's laying all in the kitchen and living room. With the same expectation. All ripped to shreds like the others. I unlocked the door and bolted out my heart pounding hard. I felt someone holding my arm I looked back she was looking at me with those blood red eyes. I knew I been had, she was would be the last thing I would ever see. Tears running down my face in fear of dieing. My family and friends were dead, why try to get away. Just let it happen I told myself.

A slash to my throat sent my blood pouring out like a river with fierce currents. I dropped on the ground thinking this is how I was going to die. Closing my eyes choking on my blood ready for the pain to end. Slowly shutting down feeling my life escape this world.

Suddenly waking up in cold sweat all over my body. Morning sun hitting my face. Was it all a bad dream? I looked around it wasn't my house, it was a hospital like room. All white and patted, restrained with my arms behind me. I was in a stray jacket. Wondering what was going on, then it came back to me little a wave crashing over me. I had been here in the Baltimore asylum for over five years. I killed my family with a knife. The police found me in the corner ticking back and forth saying the witch had done it. With blood covered all over me. I was diagnosed with sicizophiania, for years thinking some one was after me. I called it the witch she knocked at my bathroom closet. Making my family worry and frightened. They were considered about my safety. There was never an Austin either. I was told I made him up and I talk to him everyday. Telling him to save me from the witch.

It was me who need to be saved from my self. I killed my own family it was to late for the action to put me in here. On Halloween night is when I murdered my family. I was the witch, never to be let out of this prison again.
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Completed. I had fun writing it hope you enjoy reading it.