Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter One

I was sitting in the alley beside my apartment building, just thinking about my life. It wasn't exactly cold out, but it wasn't exactly hot either. It was just a blah kind of day, and it reminded me of life. It reminded me that some times life doesn't always turn out so perfect and sunny for everyone, but life doesn't always turn out so bad either. I have to admit as nice as this day seemed I could still feel the electrical charge coming from the building thunder storms that would soon be rolling in. To me, all that weird electricity in the air couldn't cover up the tension building between my brother and his father.

Let me begin by telling a bit about myself before I get into my family's issues. My name is Riley Self. I was born on July 1, 1990. My mom, Rebbecca, kind of had a break down after she lost her third child when I was eight. I've been taking care of myself ever since then.

I have one best friend and his name is Craig. Craig is absolutely amazing because he is always there when I need someone the most. I've known him since Rebbecca and Joe, my step father, moved to the city. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was three years old and terribly shy, and Rebbecca enrolled me in the local pre-school. Craig sat beside me and smiled brightly. He took my hand and led me to a play area, and that was the beginning of our beautiful friendship. I played with Craig every day in our pre-school class.

I remember in elementary school he used to tell me how much he liked my dark green eyes. He also told me he hated my almost black hair. That was okay, though, because I liked his silvery blond hair that looked funny with his dark brown eyes.

Rebecca is Josh's and my mom, but Joe is Josh's dad. Rebbecca and my dad broke up after a year of passion which resulted in her crawling back to Joe. I've met my dad before, he seems nice, but I hate Ashley. Ashley is my dad's new fiancée. She has bleached blond hair, blue contacts, and she laughs because she finds it funny how she sometimes says things backwards. Dean is my dad. He told me once that his parents named him after James Dean, so he always tried to live up to his name's reputation.

Josh and I both like Dean better than Joe, but Rebbecca had to get back together with Joe because she had nowhere else to go. Some times, I don't think either Joe or Rebecca really care about Josh and me. We have to stick together or else something bad would happen to us. Is it bad when the kids act more like adults than the actual adults.

A sudden noise made me turn from the step I was seated on to look into the darkening alley way. Giggling. It's just giggling. I sighed a breath of relief, I mean, who would want to sit in a dark alley with the news of that psycho killer. According to recent events, the killer strikes at night. It some how manages to drain its victims of their blood completely. The killer never leaves a trace. The last time I watched the news the killer was up to ten victims in two weeks.

As I was getting up off my seat and getting ready to head into the building I saw Rebbecca stumble out of the shadows. She's drunk, she's always drunk, I think this is the third time this week she has come home and couldn't walk straight. I continued to watch my mom stumble towards the apartment building entrance. The sun seemed to dip lower with each shakey step she took toward the door. She took a few more steps and then fell. When she fell I noticed something behind her. A person. No, a man lurking in those dark shadows. He was covered by the darkness, and all I could see was a faint silhouette as he picked her up off the ground. I almost screamed, but I held it back as Joe stepped from the shadows and violently put Rebbecca on her feet. He must be drunk too, he always gets violent when he drinks. I quickly went inside to wake Josh up. Luckily he is a very light sleeper.

“Josh, Rebbecca and Joe are home, and they're both drunk come on we've got to get somewhere safe.” I whispered in his ear as I shook his shoulder. He got up quickly and we rushed to the nearest open door which happened to be my room. Unfortunately, Josh didn't get the door closed behind him fast enough. Joe grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room.

“What do you think you're doing boy,” Joe demanded.

“Protecting the only thing that matters in this house,” Josh answered.

“What, you think that girl, that stupid slut, is more important than the people who gave you life,” Joe asked harshly.

“Yes, because she is nothing like you. She doesn't get drunk and beat her kids,” Josh answered. Joe punched him hard in the stomach, and Josh doubled over in pain. He coughed up blood on the floor as Rebbecca begged Joe to stop. Josh stood again.

“Hit me all you want Joey, it's never going to change who you are,” Josh spoke the words like daggers. He didn't even see, let alone expect, the left hook Joe landed on his cheek.

“How can you be so ungrateful,” Joe yelled as he kicked Josh. I couldn't watch any longer. I went to my window and climbed out onto the fire escape. I sat on the ledge of the roof just like I always did when things got bad.

I pulled out a small cell phone and texted Dean. When Joe and Josh fight I always beg Dean to come take us away. He could if he wanted to. Dean could bring his team and professionally kid nap us like he did that time we went to a baseball game for Josh's fifteenth birthday. That was almost three years ago, but josh will be turning eighteen soon, so he will move out, the fighting will stop hopefully, and maybe he will take me with him. I finished texting Dean and the phone rang as soon as I hit send.

“Hello,” I asked into the phone.

“Hey baby-girl, how's the fighting going,” Dean asked playfully.

“Terrible. If it wasn't for Josh yelling I'd thing Joe killed him.”

“It's that bad this time. Jesus, Riley did Joe hit you.”

“Not today.” I answered as Joe hit my door.

“Come out! Come out Riley, and play with daddy,” Joe said menacingly through the door. Rebbecca screamed, then a loud thump, then crying and whispers.

“Dean. Dad, if you want to have a daughter that is still alive, then I would suggest that you come get me now,” I begged as I began to fear the worst for Josh.

“After all the screaming I think I'd better hurry,” He answered even more worriedly than before. We said our goodbyes and hung up. Rebbecca's screams had subsided, and I heard the door slam. I'd better check on Josh, I thought. I quietly went back down the stairs, and climbed into my window. I walked across the room, unlocked the door, and with shaking hands opened it.

I almost had a heart attack. There in my threshold lay my brother barely breathing, and bleeding a lot. “Josh, no. Stay with me please, “ I begged as I held his hand.

“What makes you think this is so bad,” he gasped for breath.

“Don't talk, save your energy.” I sighed in relief that he was okay. I quickly pulled out my cell phone and began to dial.

“Hello,” Dean asked.

“It's bad this time Dean, he almost killed him.” I breathed into the phone.

“Are they home Riley?”

“No, they left again but Josh is bleeding so bad.”

“Eddy, get the team, we got a couple of kids to get. Yeah, we got a bleeder,” Dean's muffled voice ordered.

“I'm fine,” Josh gasped once again, “tell Dean hey for me,” he winced as he spoke.

“Tell him to keep that attitude up and Riley. Don't worry about what you see or hear okay,” Dean spoke quickly now.

“Okay,” I assured him before I hung up the phone.

“Don't worry Josh. Dean will be here soon. Everything will be all right soon. I promise,” I tired to reassure Josh, but he was losing consciousness.

“Come on Eddy. I didn't promote you to stand around. Get the team moving,” Dean yelled.

“Sir, I can't they haven't eaten yet, so unless you want dead kids they're eating,” Eddy hissed.

“How long,” Dean questioned angrily. The team should have eaten much earlier than this.

“I'm not sure, Ray said he'd be finished within half an hour. So, I give them twenty to thirty minutes.”

“We don't have that kind of time. Eddy if he hurts those kids especially her,” Dean trailed off.

“Why do these kids mean so much more boss?”

“Because Eddy, I know these kids,” Dean explained as he went to prepare for his mission. Nothing could stop him, and if Joe hurt Riley, he would be out for blood. Joe's blood.

“Don't worry Josh, we'll be okay,” I kept repeating. Josh hadn't moved since he passed out, and his breathing was slowing by the minute. It had been nearly twenty minutes since I had spoken to Dean, and I was afraid he wouldn't make it in time to save us both. I was beginning to doubt what I was telling Josh, but I could only hope it was true.

“That boy of yours better not be here.” Joe's angry voice bellowed from outside the door.

“Oh no. Oh, God no,” I thought aloud.

“Come on Josh. Please Josh.” I begged him to wake up. Joe fumbled with the door keys.

“Oh God, save us,” I pleaded as I tried to drag Josh into my room. I quickly stopped when his breathing shuddered once. I checked to see if he still had a pulse as the lock clicked. I found the pulse as Joe barged through the door.

“He's still here, tell him to get off the floor and mop up that blood. It is his blood after all,” Joe yelled at Rebbecca.

“Get away from that stupid, lazy bum,” he ordered as I stood protectively over Josh.


“I said move!”

“And I said no,” anger seeped through my teeth but I refused to let Joe hurt Josh any more.

“Get out,” Joe started to raise a hand to hit me but was interrupted by someone standing in the door way.

“Hey Joe, how's the beating going,” the man said. He was about six feet tall, maybe taller, he had forest green eyes that matched mine, and light brown hair that looked golden as the moonlight shown through it.

“What are you doing here,” Joe said angrily.

“I came to get Riley. Josh here, well he is a legal adult in a month, he can come if he wants,” the man explained.

“Hi Dean. How's it going,” I interrupted.

“Hey there baby-girl, you all right.”

“Yeah, but Josh isn't. He isn't breathing deeply enough,” I stuttered as I fought to hold back tears.

“He'll be okay,” Dean assured me, “Eddy you can come up but tell the others to wait for the signal.” He seemed to be speaking to himself.

“Sure boss,” a low voice shouted back.

I was so nervous when I heard thunderous steps on the stairs. I couldn't help but to wonder about Dean's right hand man. The loud steps stopped, but there was a long hall before you came to our apartment. What should have been five minutes was no more than ten seconds before a guy appeared in the door frame. He was about five inches taller than Dean, with hair as black as the night sky, and his eyes were as grey as the rolling storms them selves.

“The team is waiting boss,” he reported. The guy seemed so military, but he couldn't have been over nineteen.

“Good, thanks Eddy,” Dean's glare never left Joe as he spoke.

“Riley, go back down stairs with Eddy, he's going to take Josh with you,” Dean ordered.

“Are you sure,” I questioned worriedly. Josh almost died the last time someone tried to move him.

“Don't worry, I've done this plenty of times with kids much worse than him,” Eddy assured as he gently picked up a very bloody Josh. Josh didn't stop breathing or shutter like he did earlier, but I could see his muscles convulse in pain. “He'll be fine,” Eddy promised


“They made it out the door Joe,” Dean spoke slowly, “and they aren't coming back.”

“Dean the girl is yours, that's fine, but I want my boy.”

“Josh is eighteen in a month, Joe, He can do what he wants.”

“No he can't.”

“Joe you really honestly don't want to do what you're thinking of,” Dean warned. It was to late, Joe lunged at Dean. He side stepped Joe quickly and let out a loud two finger whistle. Before Joe could strike again five guys no older than eighteen stood in front of him. All of them were dressed in black masks covering their faces, and they looked fierce.

“Who are these clowns,” Joe asked as he backed away.

“Clowns, meet my ex girlfriend, and my daughter's abusive step father,” Dean explained. As soon as Dean said abusive the middle masked guy stepped forward ready to attack. Dean let out a low whistle and the guy stopped.

“Sorry Joe. Aaron doesn't like abusive parents,” Dean explained as the guy slowly took off his mask. Aaron had jet black hair, with icy silver eyes but his looks didn't draw Joe's attention. What drew Joe's attention was the long scar along his right cheek.

“Do you want to ask why,” Dean asked calmly.

“Why,” Rebbecca asked through a fit of giggles.

“See this,” Aaron asked as he ran his middle finger along the scar. This made Rebbecca giggle harder as she watched the boy's finger.“My dad beat my mom. The day I turned sixteen I saw my dad hit her, and I hit him,” Aaron began telling the long forgotten memory, “he tried to hit me back, but I had him. Until he pulled out my grandfather's old pocket knife,” he pulled out a silver handled knife out of his pocket. Joe could tell it was engraved with fancy lettering, but he couldn't make out the words. Rebbecca's giggles had subsided as she listened intently to the memory.

“My father took his father's knife out and slashed my face. I'm scarred for life because of the man who gave me this life. That's all right though, I have my father's heart in a jar that never leaves my bedside table,” Aaron explained angrily as he flipped the knife blade in and out of the handle.
“Can you imagine the cold steal sliding under you flesh until the sweet blood poured uncontrollably,” Aaron spoke with a new fury. He took a large step toward Joe.

“Okay, you can have the kids,” Joe said weakly as Aaron put the razor sharp blade to Joe's right cheek.

“Lets go boys,” Dean said after a series of those low whistles.

“Who are you,” I questioned.

“You really don't want to know,” Eddy answered as he sat Josh gently on the steps. I noticed a small chain around his neck as he stood straight again. A small silver chain which held what appeared to be a diary lock. Only this lock was a bit larger than a normal diary lock.

“If I didn't want to know I wouldn't have asked.”

“Okay, just remember I warned you.”

“Okay, I was forewarned. Now will you tell me.”

“I'm with the CIA,” Eddy laughed as I hit his arm.

“Seriously, I want to know the truth.”

“I am the second son of a merchant that lived in the 15th century. Believe it or not, my father actually helped save Vlad the impaler from the Turks,” Eddy spoke seriously. After a long pause I began to laugh.

“No way that would make you at least 500 years old.”

“Close. I'm 519. My birthday or death day as I like to call it was January 14, 1489,” he explained as he laughed at my expression of shock, “yeah, Dean looked at me just like that when I explained it to him too.”

“So if you're that old, what are you?”

“Watch,” he said as he took a deep breath. It took all of one minute for him to open his mouth into a gruesome smile that included fangs.

“Um, am I allowed to be a little frightened,” I questioned as I took a few steps back.

“Yeah, but don't run please,” he said as his fangs retracted, “just do me a favor and don't go into the recruits room when Dean takes you to the office.”


“Because they don't know how to control they're actions, or features. I can show you my fangs and my face won't change. They don't know they can do that so they have really ugly scales and things for the first year. Oh, lets not forget the blood lust. They like to play a little rough,” he explained intently, and watching the alley.

“Joe must have tried something,” Eddy said out of no where.

“Why do you say that,” I questioned worriedly.

“Oh, no reason to worry unless you actually like Joe. The danger trio just got called in is all.”


“Aaron, Zack, and Blood. The three that haven't been very good with the no killing rule.”

“What! Oh, this is just great. Don't we need to get him to a hospital,” I questioned when I looked at Josh he was growing pale, and his breathing still slowed.

“Yeah, we probably should,” Eddy said as he caught one of his team member's eye. He nodded a few times, and the other guy shook his head. Eddy nodded once again only this time to Josh. The other guy still shook his head, made another motion and Eddy gave me a strange look. He made two more motions, the other guy finally nodded his head, and Eddy was picking up Josh.

“What was all the motions about?”

“That's how we communicate. Come on we have to go.”

We didn't take the car I thought we would. I though we'd be taking some old beat up car, but Eddy had an expensive looking black car with leather interior. Apparently Dean paid his teams well, unless he saved the money up for it over his 519 years. Josh laid in the back seat, barely breathing while Eddy drove. I sat quietly in the passenger seat not wanting to disturb Eddy, and hoping that Josh would be okay. We drove for what seemed to be twenty minutes, but for me time seemed to get slower as we approached the hospital. Eddy pulled up to the door and parked in a fire zone, he said it was okay because Josh was half dead, and I didn't argue. We hurried through the hospital doors. “Mary, my boss, we found another kid. This one is pretty bad.” Eddy said to the nurse

“Dr. Burns is in the room with another patient right now but take him to room 6 and he'll be there as soon as he can,” the woman said in a concerned tone.

“Thanks Mary,” Eddy said with a smile as he began carrying Josh to room 6.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yes, the oldest thing in my 'stories' folder unedited for your viewing pleasure only. I'll read this, and probably change the Chapter Titles after I finish posting. Be sure to thank Audrey T. for this lovely horrible piece.