Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Thirteen

“I told you Luna, we double checked she was supposed to be human. Trust me; Rebecca was no angel, so how can she be a vixen. Fix her now,” Dean shouted as I lay on the bed, still half asleep, and Luna dragged on.

“It's just a little overwhelming dean. You must understand. I've never seen anything quite like this. I'm afraid to bleed her because the test shows up that she is human, but her powers prove other wise,” Luna said in a desperate voice.

“Well, can't we just bleed her a little? I mean, not the same amount you would take from a normal half human/ half vixen, but like just a little bit to see if anything changes,” Chris suggested from the plush blue sofa that he had taken up residence on.

“If the boss here says I can do that then I think it's a good suggestion. I'm not sure what would happen though. We could only take a bit, because if we take too much her blood won't regenerate.” Luna looked at Dean as she waited anxiously for an answer. Dean sighed loudly as he looked at my fragile body.

“Just a little,” he answered weakly. “If it hurts her in any way then you will stop!”

“Okay. Lets get started shall we,” Luna said a little nervously. Dean looked at her with hard, cold eyes, and Chris just seemed to sit there as if this was all just to unnerving for him.

Luna put about a millimeter of blue liquid looking stuff into a syringe. She took a deep breath as she slowly approached me. I wasn't going to move, I was scared and sore. My body had worn down too quickly this afternoon. Luna lifted my right arm and quickly found the vein she wanted to use. “This vein runs to her heart, and it is deep, so it should be okay for just this little bit,” she explained as she pressed the needle into my skin. It stung for a moment, and then a sudden burning made it’s was up my arm. It was spreading all over my body, and it didn't feel so great. I opened my eyes and I started to tell her that something was wrong, but her blue eyes did the talking for her. She gasped with fright and I suddenly wanted to be someone else.

“What's wrong with her,” Dean hissed at Luna.

“Don't look sir, you'll get angry because I have no clue as to what's happening to her,” Luna begged. Chris stepped past Dean and Luna and he leaned over me as I stared up at him. My body wasn't as sore, but it still burned.

“What's it feel like,” Chris asked quietly.

“It burns,” I said in a voice that was deeper than my own. It sounded as if it could bring men three times my size to their knees.

“Do you know what you are,” Chris asked slowly once again.

“No,” I whispered in my unholy voice.

“Luna, do you remember my brother. He was like this wasn't he,” Chris demanded.

“That's impossible, dear. Your brother was a half Entity. He was Godly, that's why his bleeding killed him,” Luna said with worry in her voice.

“But didn't his eyes turn red like that, and didn't his voice change.”

“Yes but--”

“If you try anything more it'll kill her, and if she doesn't prepare herself for next time she tries to use her powers it could kill her. She needs to be trained to with stand energy like that.”

“But how is my daughter,” Dean trailed off.

“Sir, with all due respect. Your ex-girlfriend wasn't just a human,” Chris said severely.