Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Fourteen

Dean walked out of the room to catch his breath. There was no way this could happen. Rachel was definitely not an angel, and he really didn't think she was an angel back when she got pregnant. How could a half vampire and a human have a semi God? The only understandable answer was that Rachel was an angel after all. Then again it could have been because of bloodlines.

Dean's mother, or so he thought, was human, and his father was a vampire. He had been the terrible outcome of a rape, or so he thought. What if it was that his mother was an angel and she became a fallen angel, which they are exactly like humans only more depressed, after she had him? His bloodlines could have been stronger than what he thought. They could have mixed badly with Rachel's bloodlines. Or she could have had ancestors who weren't exactly human.

"I knew something like this would happen," Dean hissed to mostly himself since no one was in the room. Or so he thought.

"How could you have known," a small voice spoke. Dean spun around trying to find out where it was coming from. He turned back to the opening where a very odd looking Rachel stood.

"Why are you here," Dean asked in a shocked voiced.

"I dumped Joe so I could see my daughter," she said warily. She seemed pale, and she was twitching.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have never," Dean trailed off. Tears began to come to the corners of his eyes as he thought of what could happen to his only daughter.

"My mom was a fallen. She was sent here to protect over a girl, and in the end she accidentally fell for a vampire. They made a few bad decisions and here I am," she explained. She was the exact opposite of Dean, and he had no idea as to how unlucky he really was.

"If she's going to live, we have to send her away. We have to send her away. She needs help," Dean explained.

"Where can we send her? Who is strong enough to train a God," Rachel questioned.

"Jayden," he answered simply.

"No, you can't send her to him!"

"He'll train her."

"He'll kill her!"

"No, he'll help." Rachel looked furious and Dean didn't care. He stopped paying her any attention and he left that room to go and find Luna.

Dean figured Jayden could train me because he was the oldest entity. Jayden was over four thousand years old. He had been through almost every war known to man. He even caused a few of those. The only thing that killed a God (half or not) was their power. Gods who over used their power before they had been trained often died. Jayden had pushed his mind to its limits until no matter what powers he used the energy couldn't kill him. The only way for Jayden to die is if another God, who is more powerful, was to come up against him and force him to learn to use new powers at a quick rate. Jayden was and still is the ultimate entity. No one is better than him, and Dean believed with all of his heart that Jayden was the only one who could help Riley.

"Boss, are you okay," Callie asked worriedly.

"No, but do you still have the address book to make my calls or did you get someone else for the job," Dean asked in a half joking tone.

"I still have the phone numbers, sir," she answered quickly.

"Get Jayden on the phone now!"

"Yes sir. Isn't he a, um, God."

"Yeah, and he is the only one who can help my daughter."

Dean walked quickly down the hall back to Riley's room. He never expected to see Rachel standing in her door way looking in on her. He sighed loudly as he stood by Chris and Blood’s door. "Is everyone still crowded in there," Dean asked quietly.

"Yeah. Where is Josh?"

"In the hospital."

"Oh my God."

"Don't get used to that. Once she figures out that she is a God she'll use it to her advantage."

"You don't know Riley."

"I know her better than you!"


"I don't feel so good," I said from my bed. My voice sounded more like my own, but my stomach felt like it wanted to be on the outside of my body.

"Luna," Dean questioned.

"It's just a side affect of the hemo. She'll be fine. She's going to feel a little sick, and have a head ache for a few hours, but she'll be fine. Did you decide what to do with her?"

"Jayden," was Dean's answer.

"What," Luna, Chris, and Aaron shouted all at once.

As if on cue Callie entered the room and said, "I have Jayden on the phone."

"Who is Jayden," I asked weakly.

"He's going to be you're trainer," Dean explained in a sad tone. "You're going to go spend a few weeks with him."

"Who’s going to watch over her," Aaron asked in a sort of jealous tone.

"I don't know yet. I was thinking of sending Callie, but it's going to take more than one werewolf to bring back a trained God," Dean explained.

"A trained what," I questioned.

"Sweetheart, you are not a vixen, or a vampire, you happen to be a demiGod."

"I'm a," I trailed off.

"God," everyone answered in unison.

"Holy shit!"

"We know," Rachel said warily.

"Why are you here?"

"To see you and your brother."


"See, I know her. She acts exactly like me," Dean hissed towards her.



"That's not nice."

"You weren't nice to Blood," he cooed.

"I don't have to be nice to him," I hissed.

"Not after today anyway," Dean laughed. "You're a lot stronger than him, and he can't do anything about it." I smiled a bit, and then my stomach really wanted to be turned inside out. Luna gave me a large bucket to keep beside my bed, and you can imagine what that was used for.

After about an hour of them standing around talking, they finally left. Well, everyone except Chris who was assigned to stay and make sure I didn't get sicker. Dean took Jayden's call, and Jayden agreed to come and take a look at me. If I really was a God, as they said, he would take me to his house and train me. Dean said that he was thinking of sending Callie with me, but one person wouldn't be enough to keep a God under control. That made me laugh, but he claimed he was going to go and find two more people to send with Callie. He would probably send them a day or two after I had left for Jayden's.

I fell asleep after they were all out of my room, except Chris of course, but he was sleeping too. It made me feel uncomfortable to have him in my room, but at the same time it strangely comforted me. I felt safer and a bit better just knowing someone was near, even if I did think that same someone hated me. I knew he didn't hate me, but he still didn't seem changed. Then again who could expect a shape shifter to change his personality when his physical body was always changing? Before I went to sleep I could tell Chris was dreaming because he suddenly grew a tail before I dozed off.

I had dreams of oddly colored lights, and I even saw a stranger. He had dark hair with natural red in it, his eyes were white except the black pupil, and he was tall. Even though he seemed to be in his late twenties I could tell he was older, much older, and he was almost too handsome. He seemed like he was strict, and I could sense that he was powerful. I wondered if I was seeing Jayden in my dreams, and it seemed odd that I could do something like that. Then again I didn't even know if I could do something like that. It would be really cool though, wouldn't it?