Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Fifteen

I slept soundly after my visions of the handsome older man subsided. I still wondered if he was Jayden, or if he was just a figment of my imagination. When I woke up the next morning, I looked over to the couch where Chris had been sleeping. Instead of finding an oddly sleeping Chris, I found a peaceful looking Aaron. He must have decided to let Chris get some proper sleep, or he might have been running from Morgan. Who knew? Aaron marched to the beat of a different drum, as the saying goes.

I slowly sat up in bed, and I realized I didn't feel sick for the first time in hours. I softly sighed as I made my way out of bed. I smiled to myself as my feet touched the cool hard wood floors. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of ripped jeans and one of those Barbie tee shirts that Callie talked me into before heading to the shower. Hot water is definitely one of the most wonderful inventions of the modern world. I got the water just right before undressing and scrubbing all the icky-ness from the past three days off myself.

I finished and quickly dressed before the steam in the room got cold. After I dressed I decided to blow dry my hair. I silently hated myself for letting my hair get so long, and I made a silent promise to have it cut when I got the chance. After I finished the long task of drying my hair I took a glance in the mirror. I looked a bit sick without my usual thick eyeliner, but other than that I looked normal. I didn't look like a semi God, or any kind of God for that matter. Because I am a girl, shouldn't I be considered a Goddess?

I pondered that question as I left the comfort of the clean bathroom. Aaron was still on the couch only he was barely awake. I sighed as I walked over and sat gently beside him. "Good morning, Aaron," I whispered. My voice was a bit different; it sounded almost as if bells were ringing softly behind it.

"Morning," he grunted.

"Did you have a nice sleep?"

"Not really, what about you?"

"It was okay. I kept having this dream of a guy who looked to be in his twenties, only he seemed way older, and he had these weird silvery white eyes. He seemed like he'd be really strict, you know."

"Yeah, that sounds like Jayden."

"How do you know him?"

"He helped kill Chris's brother," Aaron answered in a wary tone as he got up from the couch. "I think Dean is getting ready to pick who is going to help bring you home. I know Callie is going to go with you."

"Alright, should we go meet them?"

"They'll probably be down the hall in the orders room."

"Let’s go."

We walked down the hall and towards the kitchen where Callie had taken me before my little incident with my power. I didn't notice it before, but there was a small hall that led to a different corroder. We walked into the first room to our right.

The room was bigger than the rest of the rooms in the whole building. It was the size of a college auditorium. Dean was at the very front of the room with about five hundred people, or whatever they were, listening to his every word.

"So, you all know who Jayden MacOvelle is, correct," Dean asked.

"Yes, sir," the crowd answered in unison.

"How many of you have seen Jayden in person?" None of the beings in front of Dean moved except Aaron, Chris, and Blood. They all stepped forward.

"I was planning to only send three with Riley. Speaking of her, where is she," Dean asked as he peered around the crowd. I was standing in the back so I was pretty sure he wanted to walked up to the front of the room.

"Right here, dad," I called from the back as I headed towards him. He smiled and continued his speech.

"So, some of you witnessed her power in the dinning room. Do you think three would do the job of bringing her back from Jayden's?"

"As long as I'm not one of the three," Blood started.

"You are one of our most powerful vampires Blood, and you've even had the pleasure of tasting the blood of a God. Are you sure you don't want to go," Dean cut him off. Ivy growled under her breath.

"I agree with Blood, Daddy. I couldn't possibly control myself if he were to make me angry which we all know is what he is best at," I said loudly.

"I believe Aaron, Chris, and I are strong enough for the job," Callie spoke for the first time.

"I am willing to travel with my new friend sir," Chris said with a smile.

"Awe, you really don't hate me," I said out loud. I got a few chuckles and a nod from Chris.

"I've watched over her since she arrived sir, I believe it would be a shame to quit now," Aaron said in a strict voice. He reminded me so much of Eddy, and with that I silently wondered where he was.

"Dad, I know someone who would be perfect if you wish for a forth person to bring me back," I said as I thought of him.

"Who, sweetheart."

"Eddy. He calmed me down while we took Josh to the hospital and brought me safely back here."

"Well, I'll have to see if I can spare the head of security around here. In the mean time we have three for sure. Now, on to our next order of business. Is there anymore business?"

"No sir, not for the week anyway," a woman who looked more like a strict lawyer type.

"Alright Riley, go prepare for a long journey, you'll meet Jayden as soon as he arrives."

At that moment, I was even more nervous than I had been in my dreamland last night. I was extremely excited, and also frightened at the thought of meeting a real God. I also wondered why everyone seemed so scared of him.