Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Sixteen

After I had calmed myself, Callie decided that she would help me get ready for Jayden. I had no idea what the big deal was, but apparently I had to change from my ripped jeans and yellow baby doll tee to a white mini skirt and purple leggings with a purple tee shirt. I felt a little uncomfortable, but I quickly got over it as I began to pack enough clothes to last me for a month. Callie decided that I should take a few pairs of jeans, but I should mostly take dresses and skirts with nice dressy tops.

"Why do I have to dress up for this Jayden character," I asked Callie as she threw another small shirt into a bag.

"Jayden is really old fashioned. He doesn't really like the whole modern thing," she explained as she debated over a pair of black skinny jeans.

"And what's the whole 'fear Jayden," thing about?"

"Jayden is the most powerful being in the whole world," I gave her a side glance, and she sighed loudly. "Okay, not the most powerful; that title was given to the guy who created the world and all that jazz."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Come on, I think you're ready. We better get you something to eat before you go. Do you even remember the last time you had food?"

"I think it was that day we went to the mall."

"That was like a week ago."

"Now that you mention it I am kind of hungry," I said as my stomach growled loudly. We laughed as we headed towards the kitchen. I was silent as Callie talked on the long walk, but I still didn't understand why everyone feared Jayden. I made a vow to myself not to let him scare me.

"So, what do you want to eat? We have left over pizza, something that looks like Chinese, oh you don't want blood," Callie said as she picked through the fridge.

"I'll take the pizza, and don't heat it. Warmed up pizza is so nasty, I'd prefer to eat it cold any day. Unless it just came out of the oven," I answered as I took a seat at the table next to her. She smiled as she grabbed the box and sat it in front of me.

"Food is ready," she said with a country accent as she sat across from me. I laughed as I opened the pizza box. The cold pizza wasn't exactly healthy or that great, but it was food and I was starving. I had eaten like four slices of it before I realized it.

"Wow. Humans are scary," Callie said in a joking voice. I rolled my eyes. "Oh no," she said in a wary tone.

"What," I asked, but I had my answer before she could say it. Morgan and Ivy waltzed into the kitchen giggling like two popular girls in high school. I thought I would have been able to escape those kinds of girls when Dean kidnapped Josh and me.

"Oh, look Morg! It's the werewolf and the God," Ivy said as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I thought she was a vixen," Morgan said sarcastically.

"You know, Callie, I'm going to go wait for Jayden outside. I hear he is actually really nice in person," I said in a venomous voice. "You want to come with me?"

"Sure. It's better than being with the elemental and a jealous vampire," Callie half barked out.

"Jealous vampire, my ass! I don't have anything to be jealous of," Ivy hissed. She turned around to face Morgan.

"See ya," I said as I walked towards the hall way.

"Hey, little miss God," Morgan called. I turned to face her. I noticed Ivy still had her back to me which seemed odd.

"Oh never mind," she smiled innocently. Callie opened her mouth, but she was too late.

"Hey baby. Are you still mad at me," Blood said as he wrapped his arms around my waste.

"Numero uno, I'm not your girlfriend. Number two don't touch me," I hissed. Without trying my skin started burning. It didn't really hurt me, but it did burn Blood.

"Ivy, I have a message for you. Get over being angry at Blood because he's an ass," I said in a sing song voice. She glared.

"Come on Callie, I have bigger places to go," I said sweetly as I turned around.

There in my path stood a man who appeared to be in his early twenties, but his composure suggested that he was much older. He had midnight colored hair that hung to his ears in an 'emo' style, and his eyes stood out the most. I looked up into his silver eyes and I could feel shock wave chills roll down my spine. His 5'9 stature towered over me, and his olive skin tone held a certain glow. He left me utterly breathless. Blood, Ivy, Morgan, and Callie all had wide eyes, and they sort of coward in his presence.

"Is this the child," he said in a strong voice. I didn't budge even though I was close enough to smell the light scent of his cologne.

"Yeah, um, do you mind not being so close to my daughter while I'm in the same room," Dean said with a lot of emphasis on the 'my daughter' part.

"Oh! Hi, daddy," I said as I took a few steps back, but I never broke eye contact. I heard a light growling noise, but I ignored it.

"Sounds like you have made quite the impression on a certain vampire, my dear," Jayden said as he looked towards Blood. As soon as he broke eye contact I was free to look around the room. I noticed Morgan was astonished, Ivy seemed to be just lost in though, and Blood was glaring.

"He means nothing to me. He just occasionally growls or hisses when ever someone, of the male persuasion, makes an impression on me," I answered.

"She has a certain quality about her doesn't she," Jayden asked Dean.

"You didn't see what she did to him two days ago, my friend," Dean answered. Ivy hissed.

"Awe, this is a love triangle. Did she ruin your life," Jayden said in a mocking voice to Ivy. She looked towards the floor without saying a word.

"You have got to teach me how to do that," I said with a slight giggle.

"I have heard of your so called power, and I cannot bring myself to believe it. You thought you were a vixen, passed out, and then threw a hundred year old vampire against a wall," Jayden stated.

"Ew, you're one hundred years old. Oh, that is way gross, and I made out with you!" I was sticking out my tongue and wiping it with a wet cloth.

"Will you stop," Blood hissed as he yanked the cloth out of my mouth. His fingers brushed against my hand and cheek in the process.

"I told you not to touch me," I yelled. I felt serge of power flow throw my body, and before I knew it Blood was flying across the room.

"And now I believe you have a very powerful God on your hands, Dean. A very beautiful and mysterious God," Jayden said as he took a step towards me. Blood stood up and with unnatural speed rushed me. Jayden waved his hand in front of Blood just as he lunged at me. He suddenly paused in mid air.

"What," I questioned as I looked back towards Jayden. Dean was even frozen in a lunge at Blood.

"Beings who are not Gods freeze when I do that. Well, I should include Goddess in that since you are clearly not a male," Jayden explained.

"Wait, why has everyone been calling me a God then?"

"You are the third real female God I have ever met. The other two did not complain about us calling them Gods."

"Oh, okay."

"Do you mind stepping back so he will not land on you," Jayden asked.

"Sure, I don't want him any where near me," I answered.

"That can be arranged very soon," Jayden said with a flirtatious smile. "Wait, have you seen your Goddess form yet?"

"Um, my what?"

"You change when you use your power."

"Really," I answered in a curious tone.

"Look," he said as he waved his hand in front of me. An image of a girl with jet black hair and beautiful silver eyes.

"She is gorgeous. Who is she?"

"She is beautiful isn't she," he asked as he handed me a real mirror. I noticed that my finger nails were that same dark midnight blue as before. I glanced into the mirror and saw the image that he put in front of me before.

"Oh my," I started.

"Yes, now back to reality. Relax and think about water, calm gently waving water. Think of how you feel when you are human." I followed his instructions as I watched the mirror. Slowly my hair changed to its normal chocolate brown and my eyes changed back to their forest green color.

Jayden moved the mirror from in front of my face and waved his hand. Blood fell on his face, Dean tripped, and Ivy screamed all at once. I laughed as Blood made his way off the floor. He glared at Jayden, but Jayden ignored him. He was too busy staring at me. I smiled once again as Dean made his way over to us. "Jayden, my friend, please don't look at my daughter that way," Dean half hissed.

"She is going to be great. You made the right decision, Dean. Now, tell me, who is escorting her to and from the castle," Jayden answered sincerely. He gave me a small nod as he put a hand on Dean's shoulder as they talked.

"Callie lets go get our things. I have a feeling we're going to have fun," I said in a light tone as I winked at Blood.

"I guess so," Callie said in a confused tone.

"Besides, Jayden is hot, and I have a thing for older guys anyway. How old is he again?"

"Four thousand three hundred and eighty seven."

"Hey that's better than one hundred," I said loudly enough for Blood to hear. That earned me a growl and Blood got slapped once again by Ivy. His misfortunes always made my day.