Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Nineteen

I checked my phone as we flew through the clouds. I had two missed calls from an odd cell phone number and a text message. I read the message and found that the odd number was Josh. I sighed as I hit the 'send' button and the phone began to ring.

"Finally," Josh's half hissed into the phone. "You haven't been answering your phone and I've been worried sick about you!"

"Sorry, I'm a little tied up at the moment. I'm flying off to Goddess school," I explained.

"Will you let that silly game go? Ry, you are not a Goddess or a vixen or whatever else Dean has been telling you alright. I called to tell you that the doctors are letting me out early, they say a guy named Eddy is going to pick me up and take me to Dean's, but I think it might be better if I go home," Josh ranted.

"No don't go home! And it's not a game, Josh. You haven't seen me for weeks. Look just stay with Dean until I come home alright," I pleaded. He sighed, and I knew I had won.

"Fine I'll stay for a while with Dean, but don't expect me to believe your stupid stories. Fairy tales don't exist, and you sound like you're living a nightmare anyway," Josh stated bluntly. I rolled my eyes.

"Well I have to go because I'm almost where I'm supposed to be," I informed him as a beautiful site appeared before me.

I gazed beyond the cloud embankment to see a sight of pure bliss. There was a large city of buildings in the sky. I couldn't be sure what held the heavy looking buildings up, but it didn't take the magic away from the place. We flew past oddly colored castles and people waved below us.

"What is this," I questioned as I gawked at the beauty and wonder of the magical city.

"This is the city where dreams are created, love. This is Avalon," Jayden answered softly as he gazed at my amazement.

"This is the place where Gods and Goddesses live among sorcerers. The most famous mythical creatures have seen this place," Callie spoke with the intensity of her own wonder of the beauty.

"Well, there is one who never got the chance to visit my wonderful world," Jayden spoke absently as he seemed to look for something.

"Who," I asked with curiosity.

"The Count himself. Dracula. I heard he was one of the worst of the vampire race, but he had some pretty magnificent tricks up those fifteenth century sleeves of his."

"I thought he was just a story," I questioned.

"No, a friend of an acquaintance of mine from a while back said that he served under a lower class demon. My acquaintance also informed me that he was under a God as well, but he's never been here," Jayden explained as he tapped the back of Blue's neck. The large purple dragon started to swoop downwards towards a giant black castle.

"Is that," Callie and I started, we both smiled as we realized we had the same though. Jayden laughed.

"Yes, that is where I live, and where you will be staying for a month," he answered as Blue landed with a thud. I sighed as I peered at the enormous grounds of the castle. It was beautiful beyond belief, and I couldn't wait to see what was in store for me.