Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Twenty Two

“Well, I think I’m going to leave you to get acquainted with the room. I have to go finish my chores anyway,” Amy sighed as she turned to leave my gorgeous room.

The room was somehow bigger than the one I had back at Dean’s, and it was completely amazing. I wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity like this one though. I ran out of the door behind Amy and stopped quickly as she turned around. She smiled at me before turning back around.

“Wait,” I half shouted.

“What,” Amy asked a little two sweetly.

“I know I’m probably going to annoy you a little, but can I come with you. You know, like, you could show me around the house, and maybe I could help you,” I asked nervously.

“Sure, and I guess I’ll tell you what the maids won’t.” she laughed.

“I would ask, but I’m kind of scared too,” I laughed with her.

“I’m a mix between a mind reader and a psychic. I know what you’re going to ask before you ask it, and I know what’s going on in and round the house at all times,” she answered my unspoken question.

“Nice, so where are we going first,” I questioned.

“We are going to do your friend’s room, um, the werewolf. It’s painted and set up, all I have to do is make up the bed and make sure her bags are in the closet,” she explained.

“Where is her room,” I asked. As if on cue, Amy stopped beside a door that was right down the hall from my room off of the stairs.

“Um, I don’t think I have to answer that one,” she laughed as she pulled out a silver key with the shape of a skull on the end of it. I laughed at the pun under my breath, skeleton key.

She unlocked the door easily and we walked in. The room was painted and accessorized in all shades of blue. It sort of reminded me of Callie’s calm and peaceful personality. Her room was similar to mine with the bathroom to the right and the closet to the left. I had a huge book shelf filled with tons of fancy hard covered books along with another book case filled with CD’s and records where as Callie just had the music shelf.

“Everything seems to be in order here,” Callie called from the closet. She walked out with a set of light blue sheets and a dark blue comforter. I smiled as I walked over to the bed preparing myself to help make it when she lowered her head. She whispered words so softly that I couldn’t hear them before throwing the beddings into the air. She turned to walk away as I stood there watching the sheets land perfectly in place. They hugged the bed as if human hands just freshly put them there, and the comforter fell lightly on top of them.

“Whoa,” I whispered. I was sure my eyes were huge with curiosity, but all Amy did was laugh.

“Come on, I have to get you back to your room before Jayden comes to check on you,” she laughed as she motioned for me to follow her back.

“But, how did you do,” I started to question. She shook her head, but remained silent as we walked. I sighed.

“I’m never going to get any answers,” I pouted as she stopped in font of my door. She took a moment to dig for something in her pocket and I sighed.

“Oh, stop sighing. Eventually, you will get your answers, but until then here is your room key,” she stated before hurrying down the stairs.

“This place is so annoying,” I said aloud as I walked into my new room.

My room was a deep shade of purple, and the accessories were either black or silver. I noticed that the closet door was painted a deep shade of blue and the bathroom door was a bright beautiful shade of silver. I sighed as I looked around.

I ignored the closet as I crossed the room and sat cross-legged in front of the bookshelf. I grabbed one of the two remotes that were sitting on the shelf and pressed on. Soft, relaxing classical music began to flow from the speakers that were placed randomly throughout the room.

I began to look through the titles of books until I found an odd book. None of the books had words or symbols on the bindings except for this one. It was off white and faded with age, and on the binding was a barely visible golden heart with an arrow through it. I gently pulled it off the shelf and blew the dust off the cover. I opened it to the very first page and in old Victorian script it read; ‘this is the diary of Evelyn Miles’.

“What is with me finding all these old diaries,” I whispered to myself as closed the old book and ran my hand gently down its cover. I sighed as I wondered about Evelyn. Who could she be? I dropped the book in my lap when I heard the door creak open.

I quickly picked the book up and put it back in its place before turning towards the door. Jayden stood there in the threshold of my room. His silver eyes held the same gaze that he had back at Dean’s house, and it was just as addictive. I felt like I was trapped again as I stared into those silvery eyes of his. Finally, he broke his gaze allowing me to move for the first time since he had entered the room.

“I hope you are finding the arrangements to your liking, Riley,” he said as he walked further into my room.

“I am, this is a beautiful place,” I answered politely as I walked more towards the couch that was across the room from the bed. I noticed Jayden’s eyes float towards the closet.

“I see you have not admired anything other than the extensive collection of books I have left you,” he said in a sort of amused tone.

“What can I say, I’m more into reading that anything else,” I laughed as I took a seat. He smiled.

“I would much rather be out doors than stuffed in this house reading, but I had a friend once who admired the written word, much like yourself,” he informed me.

“Really,” I questioned, wondering if it could be Evelyn.

“Yes, but that was long ago. It was way beyond your years. Now, if you will allow me, I would like to give you a tour of the house before I show you to your friends,” he half asked, half commanded. I nodded as I stood up and took his arm. There was something about him that was just too gentlemanly. I was determined to find out what was with the mysterious Jayden, and his odd mood swings. Even if it meant I had to read Evelyn’s diary.