Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Twenty Four

I walked down the stairs and made my way carefully back to the front entrance of the house. I was tired of being cooped up in the castle so I looked towards the doorway. What harm could going outside do?

I was about to start towards the door when I noticed a girl with long silvery blond hair. She stood around 5’7 and she was rail thin. She looked almost ghostly with her pale hair and matching skin, which her long black dress only emphasized. She had a straw woven basket on her arm and a small dark red pouch on her hip. She was grabbing a jacket from what looked like a closet.

“Excuse me,” I asked in a quiet tone. She turned towards me with a frightened look in her bright silver eyes.

“Um, how may I help you miss,” she asked in what seemed like a frightened tone.

“Where are you going,” I asked nosily.

“To the market, miss. Master Jayden says that the kitchens, both his and the staff’s, are to be stocked with goods. He says that we have a Goddess in training on our hands and we must have everything to her liking,” she answered politely. Her smile was stunning, her teeth perfect, and her silver eyes glowed.

“Do you know who this Goddess is,” I asked a bit more intrigued that she didn’t know I was the Goddess in question.

“No, miss, but who are you,” she asked suspiciously.

“I’m just a friend of Jayden’s,” I answered quickly as she started to back away from me. “Would you mind if I went to the market with you?”

”Actually I should probably go alone, I am in a bit of a hurry,” she stuttered. I sighed as I debated following her. The girl looked frightened anyway, so I figured I should leave her alone.

“Alright,” I stated as I turned towards the staircases.

There behind me on the broad staircase stood the one and only, Jayden. I realized how much I hated him in that moment. He was supposed to be an awesome teacher, but so far he was just a very annoying pain in the ass. A smirk crossed his face as he stared down at me. He turned towards the girl with a grin spread across his lips.

“Very good, Lilly, you may go,” he said in an approving voice.

“Yes, master Jayden,” she answered politely. I could hear the smile in her voice.

“I hate you,” I stated bluntly as I walked past him towards my room. He laughed loudly as he turned to follow me.

“I am not your father, Riley. You cannot tell me that you hate me, and expect it to eat me alive,” he said with a bit of amusement in his voice. I could feel my blood begin to boil in my veins as I turned to face him outside of my door.

“I don’t expect it to eat you alive. I’d rather have the honor of doing that myself,” I hissed at him.

“Ah, see now you’re getting angry. May I ask why,” he asked in a knowing way.

“Because I am alone in a huge house that is basically a small neighbor hood, every human in this place is either afraid of you or curious about me, and Josh,” I was yelling, but I stopped.

That one word, that one name made my entire world stop. That must have been what was worrying me so badly. Josh had to be the reason why I felt so cooped up in this place, but I couldn’t just blurt that out to a complete stranger.

“Josh what, love,” Jayden asked curiously. His amused smirk had faded into a look of something that I couldn’t read. It was like all his emotions were trying to come out of his face all at once. His white silvery eyes had darkened into the color of storm clouds, but I ignored his face.

“It’s not something I want to talk about. I’m tired. I think I’ll go sleep or whatever,” I stated without any emotions although I was dying to see my brother. I prayed he didn’t get out of the hospital early like he said he was. More importantly I prayed that he didn’t go back to Rachel and Joe.