Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Twenty Five

Dean sat impatiently in his office debating on what he should be doing. No one had been causing problems lately, no one was in danger, and no one needed his help. He felt useless, but he had to keep his spirits up. Seriously, the spirits around the house were feeling a little depressed, and he didn’t like hearing all of their moaning.

It had been nearly one week since Riley had gone off to Jayden’s, but Dean still couldn’t help but to worry about her. He didn’t like the fact that Riley was going to be alone with Jayden with only a werewolf to protect her. Dean was in the middle of thinking about sending Aaron and Chris to help oversee Riley’s progress when the phone began to ring.

“Hello,” Dean asked quickly into the phone.

“Hello, Dean, how are you,” Jayden’s familiar voice purred through the telephone.

“Where are you,” Dean questioned.

“I am in my castle. Your daughter was nice enough to show me that cell phones work here after all,” Jayden laughed.

“How is Riley,” Dean asked a little more calmly.

“She is doing well. At the moment she is very annoyed with me because I refuse to let her leave the grounds. You know how the other Gods can be, but she just does not want to listen to that. However her power is progressing, even though it is going to take more time for her to learn control,” Jayden explained in a bored tone. Dean rolled his eyes.

“How much more time,” he asked.

“I was hoping it would only take a month, which is what I promised you, but I believe it will take at least two months maybe more.”

“That doesn’t seem right. Riley is usually a quick learner. It’s only been a week and you probably haven’t taught her how to transform into her Goddess form without becoming angry,” Dean retorted. Jayden growled softly.

“Listen, you can send her body guards if you are worried about her, but I can assure you, my dear friend, that she is mostly angry as of now. She also wants to know if Josh has arrived yet,” Jayden answered in an annoyed tone.

“Tell her that he is getting released tomorrow, and I might just send him with her friends,” Dean stated before hanging up on Jayden. That God had the biggest ego of them all.


I am going stir crazy sitting around in this stupid room. Don’t get me wrong, I love my new room, but I can’t take these same stupid four walls anymore. I had listened to every single CD on the book shelf and I had started reading one of the books on the shelf, but it was written in old English. It didn’t really hold my attention because I was too interested in that diary. I couldn’t help but to wonder who Evelyn Miles was, and what she had to do with Jayden?

None of Jayden’s ‘employees’ would speak to me especially since Lilly had found out that I was the ‘new’ Goddess. I could not stand that evil little errand runner. I hadn’t seen anyone in the last week. Whoever brought my food dropped it off early in the morning or knock lightly on the door. When I opened it there would be a plate of hot food, but nothing else. I wondered if Jayden had ghosts for a while, but that couldn’t be.

I sighed loudly as I put the book I had been reading back on the shelf while turning the stereo off. I was tired of being cooped up, so I decided that I was going to concentrate on my power. I figured if I could focus I could use my power to get out of this God forsaken room.

I felt nothing as I stared at the door. I began to think about the person that I hated most at the moment. Jayden MacOvelle. As I pictured his chiseled features, his face appeared in my mind. I slowly began to feel that burning power rise from the soles of my shoes. It was as if I was drawing energy from everything in the room.

I didn’t have to look to know that my fingernails were that dark midnight blue color, or that my hair had turned back to the unnatural shade of black. I somehow knew that I was changed. I pointed my finger towards the locked door, and I began to will my power into that finger. I was going to get out of that room, and I was going to get out now.

The hinges began to slowly unbolt themselves. I heard the thud of metal hitting the wooden floor. The door fell as soon as the last bolt hit the floor. I smiled to myself as I waltzed out into the hallway. Unfortunately, I wasn’t finished with my power yet, but I didn’t know how long it would last.


Aaron stood in Dean’s office wondering what was going on as Dean called in Chris and Eddy. He wanted to ask what was going on, but he was slightly afraid too. Aaron twitched as the office door squeaked open. His muscles relaxed as Chris’s scent wafted into the room. Dean held up his index finger signaling that he would be with us as soon as he was off of the telephone.

“What do you mean you can’t make it,” Dean hissed. As he paused for an answer his eyebrows furrowed with anger. “You were supposed to,” Dean trailed off. A few moments later he sighed heavily before hanging up the phone.

“Good morning boys,” Dean said in a fake cheery tone. Aaron rolled his eyes as he nodded. Chris nodded his head slightly too.

“It turns out that you will be heading to Jayden’s a few weeks early,” Dean announced. My eyes widened.

“What,” Aaron questioned in a nervous tone. he refused to steal from a God, even if it was my boss’s unbelievably amazing daughter.

“You are going to over see her training, Aaron. I’m not asking you to risk your life. Also, Eddy apparently can’t make it. He is starting the training of the New Vampires, so don’t call them newbies more Dean explained quickly.

“So who is out third then,” Chris asked curiously.

“Tell Blood to suit up, and leave Ivy home,” Dean ordered.

“Yes sir,” Chris and I said in unison as we got up and left the office.

“This can’t be good,” Chris stated as we walked towards his room.

“You’re not the only one who thinks so,” Aaron answered.