Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Twenty Seven

Blood watched as Riley hit the floor once again. He felt almost helpless as the girl that had been occupying his mind passed out. He tried to warn her about Jayden, but it looked like she hadn’t been listening.

“What happened,” Aaron hissed as he walked through the threshold carrying his bags.

“Jayden pissed her off,” Blood stated simply as he picked his bag up off the floor.

“I thought that was your job,” Chris laughed as he walked into the house.

“So did I,” he stated under my breath. “Where’s my room,” Blood asked loud enough for Jayden to hear him.

“Of course, Amy has prepared all of your rooms. She should be here any moment now,” Jayden explained as he looked towards the stairs. A girl with bright blond hair began to descend the stairs. Her dark eyes pierced through Blood’s hazel eyes. Chris couldn’t take his eyes off of the beautiful girl, and Aaron ignored her completely.

“Hi Amy,” Chris said almost shyly. Blood shook his head in shame for his friend as he turned his attention back to Riley. Her Goddess form had faded away, and she appeared to be normally sleeping on the floor.

“Why is she like that,” Aaron asked once again as he placed his bag on the floor. He knelt down beside Riley and put his hand on her cheek.

“She cannot control her emotions. I have tired to explain that to her, but she just refuses to listen,” Jayden explained.

“I believe your room is near hers, would you like to carry her back,” Amy asked as she looked towards Blood.

“Um, is that a good idea? You know, Blood staying so close to her,” Chris asked half heartedly as his eyes ventured from Amy’s to Riley.

“It’s probably not, but it’ll be fun,” Blood said sarcastically.

“Be nice,” Aaron ordered.

Both Blood and Chris rolled their eyes at the same time while answering, “Yes Sir.”

“Your rooms are this way,” Amy spoke up before anyone could say any thing else. Aaron grabbed his bags as Chris began to follow Amy. Blood shifted his bags so that he was holding all of his things with one arm, and he lifted Riley with the other as if she was a feather.

“I believe I will reserve the honor of walking you and Riley to your rooms, if you do not mind,” Jayden spoke as he nodded towards Blood. Blood didn’t speak as he followed Jayden while trying not to roll his eyes.

Blood followed Jayden comfortably up at least two flights of stairs, and then Riley started to stir. He didn’t think she would wake up that fast. “Who’s ass is in my face,” Riley sighed sleepily.

“Your friend Blood,” Jayden answered almost too snidely.

“Okay,” she stated before she stopped moving.

“Is it just me or is that really weird,” Blood wondered out loud.

“She will be like that for probably an hour. Her room is right here,” Jayden said as he stopped by a room on the corner. “And your room will be the first one on the left side of this hall.”

“Um, alright thanks,” Blood answered as Jayden opened Riley’s door. Blood dropped her off before heading to his own room which wasn’t far away from Riley’s at all. He still couldn’t help wondering what was up with Jayden.