Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Twenty Eight

I opened my eyes to find a bright light shining straight into my pupil. I quickly shut them as tight as I could in hopes of making the brightness go away. I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding in slowly as I tried for the second time to open my eyes. This time a pair of honey eyes bore into mine, and I wanted to close them again and hope it was just a nightmare. I didn’t close my eyes though. I waited patiently for Blood to move so I could get into a sitting position.

“She looks fine to me,” Blood half hissed at someone to his left as he disappeared from my glare. I began to sit up slowly.

“She didn’t half an hour ago,” a grisly voice hissed back. I looked to the source of the sound. I was shocked to see a little gnome looking man with a long white beard, and a pointed red hat that was accompanied by his long white hair.

“Who are you,” I croaked out as I glared at the little gnome.

“See, she sounds like death,” the gnome shouted.

“She always sounds like that,” Blood stated, but his voice wasn’t the only one who spoke the words. Blood quickly turned around to see Jayden standing there with a huge smirk on his face.

“I told you Marco she is a true healer of sorts. Grecia was not the last of her kind,” Jayden purred.

“Grecia is a legend, Jayden. Even I know that,” Blood spat as he glared at the pale haired God.

“Ah, but she was not. Grecia was the most powerful Goddess ever created, but she was hidden to many. We could not figure out how to take away the pain the she took from others,” Jayden said in almost a dream like voice. I couldn’t help but to wonder if this Grecia could be Evelyn.

“I don’t know what a healer is, but I know if I don’t get to a bathroom soon I’m going to murder the closest one to me,” I hissed towards Blood who was closest. I raised an eye brow as I glanced at Jayden, “Or maybe the oldest. Whichever being is slower.”

An evil smirk spread across Blood’s face as he said, “Do you want to hold her down or shall I?”

I rolled my eyes at the three men as I pushed Blood out of my way. My legs felt like jell-o, but I ignored the feeling as stood up. I slowly made my way to the bathroom where I took care of my business before starting a steamy bath. I needed to relax my muscles.

As the water ran I looked in the mirror. I noticed for the first time that my hair hadn’t gone all the way back to it is chocolate color, but instead it was darker. My deep forest green eyes seemed more silvery, and I wondered if that was because I was getting stronger, or weaker.

I sighed as I turned off the bath water, undressed, and lowered myself into the wonderful water. I felt everything from my hair down to my cells relax as I lay in the bath. I also felt everything tense back up as soon as I heard a knock on the door. I suddenly couldn’t remember if I locked it or not, so I immediately grabbed a towel and covered my body with it just as the door flew open.

“Do you mind,” I hissed before I even realized who it was. I gasped as my eyes landed on his, only for a split second before he quickly exited the room. I put my hand to my forehead and realized I was blushing. I had to go see what was going on with him.