Status: So, This is the insanity my mind came up with when I was 17/18. Feel free to laugh.

Nightmares Are Dreams in Technicolor

Chapter Twenty Nine

After I got over my initial feeling of shock, I grabbed a dry towel and got out of the tub. I quickly redressed in my dirty clothes since I didn’t think to bring in clean ones before running out of the bathroom. I glanced from the gnome to Blood.

“Where did he go,” I questioned almost breathlessly as my eyes searched the room for Jayden.

“What,” Blood questioned in a jealous tone.

“Where is Jayden,” I questioned.

“I don’t know,” Blood and the gnome chorused. The gnome looked surprised and Blood looked angry, but that didn’t stop me.

I ran out into the hall way searching. Once I turned to the stairs I heard a screech from a girl. “Master,” Amy was screaming. I almost rolled my eyes as I began to follow the noise. I reached the bottom of the stairs and I was shocked to find a much darker version of Jayden standing in the middle of the bottom of the stairwell as Amy blocked his exit.

“Step aside,” Jayden growled in a voice so demonic that I knew there was no more humanity left in him. I saw his fingers twitch on his left hand, and I could feel the power that was radiating from him trying to escape his body.

“I will not,” Amy stated defiantly. I could see the fear in her eyes.

“Do not make me hurt you, child,” Jayden’s demonic voice hissed. I felt my own blood begin to boil as I watched the fear grow in Amy’s eyes.

“Jayden,” I half hissed as I willed my power back down.

“You do not want to get into this right now, Amy. Just move out of my way and I swear you shall be safe,” Jayden promised in a calmer voice.

“I will not,” she stuttered as the fear rose in her eyes.

I watched as Jayden’s hand slowly began to rise. I felt a bolt of electricity flow through my body as Amy was pinned against the door. Her arms and legs were spread as Jayden glared at her.

“Let her go Jayden,” I hissed as I willed my power down.

“If you agree to move, Amy, I will put you down. If you do not agree to move, I will be forced to put you in a lot of pain,” Jayden stated in a cannibalistic tone.

“Put her down now, Jayden, I will not ask again,” I growled in a voice that didn’t seem like my own. Amy immediately winced in pain.

“I will not,” Amy gasped as her arms were physically forced further apart.

“Jayden,” I screamed out as a bolt of what felt like pure lightening struck my bones. I felt like collapsing on the floor but somehow my body managed the pain.

Amy began to scream as Jayden’s anger began to rise. I was about to lift my own hand against him when a cold hand brushed my shoulder. To my left was Blood, and to my right was Chris in his white tiger form. Chris was growling menacingly. “Jayden,” a voice from behind me called. Jayden growled as he turned towards the voice. I sent him a death glare as he stopped what he was doing. Amy fell to the floor in a heap as Jayden’s mouth fell open. Chris went to her as Blood stepped in front of me. I could feel Aaron’s presence, and I knew it was his voice from behind me.

“Why are you so angry,” Aaron questioned. Jayden said nothing. He simply pointed a finger towards Blood causing him to fall to his knees. Jayden stared at me for a long moment before he decided he wanted to speak.

“How are you changing without damaging yourself,” Jayden asked in that dark tone. What did he mean changing?

“I do not know what you are speaking of,” I answered in a tone that made me sound almost like royalty.

“You, you are her descendent aren’t you,” Jayden hissed.

“Who,” I questioned. He raised his hand just like he did back at Dean’s to form the mirror. I was no longer dark and dangerous, but I had changed again.

My hair was a pale blonde, and my eyes were pure silver. My skin was like porcelain, and my nails we’re no longer midnight blue. They we’re clear and shiny. I was no longer Riley Self. No, I was so much more. “You should not be in existence, and yet you stand in my house. You lied to me all those centuries ago, and you are trying to tell me that you do not recall any of it,” Jayden hissed.

“I do not know what you are speaking of. How do you expect me to make my words any more plain than that,” I countered.

Jayden waved his hand quickly taking away the mirror before pointing his index finger at me. “You should have never been born,” he hissed. I could see how much will he was putting behind his power because it was written all over his face. The only question in my mind as I began to feel the daggers of his power was, ‘how long can I survive this?’